RCNews April 7
The McCracken swimming pool will again sponsor a dinner at the Community Center on Memorial Day, also the rodeo weekend the MHS Alumni will again sponsor a dinner at the Community Center. Please mark your calendars.
Susan Davis spent Thursday and Friday with the grandchildren in Hutchinson while Madison recovered from wisdom teeth removal.
Kyra Horesky and Brooke Zoeller ran 5K for the American Red Cross Saturday in Salina. Kyra finished 32nd out of 250 runners.
Richard and Nancy Baker and Lynnette Kiefer, Manhattan, were weekend guests of Les and Rose Diehl in McCracken.
Martin and Mary Higgins and grandson Ryan Higgins spent the weekend in McCracken. They visited with Francis and Julia Zeller and attended the fish fry at the American Legion.
The McCracken Main Street Literary Society met Tuesday March 22nd at the McCracken Public Library. Members attending were Linda Seymour, Suzanne Randa, Susan Rebel, Shirley Higgins and Carolyn Thompson. Those attending the Literary Society Tuesday, March 29th at the Library were Susan, Carolyn, Shirley, Linda, Ruth Crawshaw, Tomi Rues and Norma McNair. We had a fun time discussing the books each of us read and suggestions on books we should read. The last meeting will be April 26 with dinner in Hays and watching the movie Water for Elephants, a book most of us have read.
We have been wondering about the work in the east ditch at thetwo mile corner south of McCracken. When/if it ever rains, is Craig Rixon going to fence off the ditch close to the highway? Isnt that where all the water is going to run from the droughs in his pasture? Just curious!
An April fool birthday get to-gather was held for Jean Schutte at the home of Bet and Jeanette McCormick Friday evening. Guests attending were Joann Micheli, Pat Derr, Wilfrid and Twila Higgins the honored guest, Jean. The evening was spent playing Joker.
The following were at the first 2011 MBC meeting: Tony Rues, Pat Derr, Twila Higgins, Suzanne Azzarella, Jean Schutte, Rose Diehl, Roger McNair, John Zeller and Susan Davis.
The committee discussed the spring plans for McCracken Beautification, the need for watering and maintaining previously planted trees and the need to raise more money for upcoming projects. The committee agreed on 14 cast iron park benches for Main Street as well as having a clean up day on April 30th. The clean up will include removing dead and dying trees so that new trees may be planted. Jim Strine from the Kansas Forestry will return to McCracken to clearly mark trees that need to be removed. The committee will be restoring the park as their next phase of beautification.
The committee also discussed items such as recycling (Please start saving your cans, news papers and cardboard) and Christmas lights for both Main Street and Highway 4.
Congratulations to Dominic Weskamp and my daughter Kayla Higgins Tacha on their marriage, Friday, April 1 in Norton. Those in attendance were Dominics parents from Norton, Lindsey and Nicole Tacha.
A birthday get-to-gather was held at the home of James and Billie Slemp Sunday evening for Billie at their home in LaCrosse. Guests were Jean Schutte, Wilfrid and Twila Higgins, Meredith Winter, Russ Linsey, Jim and Lisa Benteman, Joann Micheli.
The fire around Satanta yesterday afternoon burned across the property of David Dennis, Judy Dennis and Carolyn Thompson. Their property is west of Satanta.
Todd Frazier, our webmaster for the alumni, was admitted to the hospital Friday with symptoms of a stroke. As of Monday, the doctor said it was a beign subarachnoid hemorrhage that fixed itself. There is no clue as to what caused it, Thanks to those who gave their prayers for his recovery.
Marge Moran and Michele Moran spent last week in LasVegas having fun.