News Apr 3
Marge Elias spent Easter Sunday afternoon in Ness City visiting with her sister, Lavon Helms.
Mary Beth Schwindt was a Thursday afternoon visitor of Thayne and Machree Jones
Jeff and Julia McCormick, Kellye and Sandy Irvin, Scott and Kayla attended the NCAA basketball tournament in Detroit this weekend.  It was much easier for Kellye to ride the 1,000 mile trip home after KU defeated Davidson by only two points.
Babe and Arlene Gilbert were Easter Sunday guests of Bob and Marlene Funk in Wakeeney.
Gerald and Signe Barnes visited in Calagry, Canada over Easter.  They were guests of their daughter, Stuart and Brenda Clancy, Hailey and Harley for two weeks.  While there they attended an ice skating gala in which their granddaughter Hailey performed.
Congratulations to Chris and Tess Jones on the birth of a new baby boy, Ethan Michael, born March 28, 2008 in Wichita.  Proud grandparents are Thayne and Machree Jones.
Agnes Kinderknecht, 80, was born June 25, 1927 in rural Gove County to Mike and Marianne Kuntz Heier and died March 19, 2008 at the Hays Medical Center in Hays.  She married Linus Kinderknecht on August 24, 1948 in Park, Kansas. To this union six children were born.  They lived on a farm north of Grinnell until the death of Linus in 1975.  In 1979Agnes moved from the farm into Grinnell.  She is survived by her five remaining children; Shirley Harp, Brenda Kinderknecht; Diane Stefan; Vern Kinderknecht and Charlotte Smith; fourteen grandchildren and five great grandchildren.  Her grandsons Bill, Brian and Michael Harp; David and Daniel Kinderknecht; Eric, Jeremy, and Kyle Stefan were her casket bearers; honorary casket bearers were granddaughters Lynnette Doornbos, Amy, Kay and Sara Kinderknecht; Megan Stefan and Dakota Smith.  Burial was in the Catholic Cemetery, Grinnell.
Thirty young adults were confirmed at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Norton, Sunday, March 30, 2008.  Shirley Higgins, Tammy Irvin and Kyra Horesky attended the celebration.  Lindsey Tacha was candidate with Kyra as her sponsor. Other candidates were Alison and Megan Cole, twin daughters of Jim and Monica Cole. 
Landon Barnes was a Saturday overnight guest of his grandparents, Gerald and Signe Barnes.
Lonnie Irvin and Cameron attended a banquet in Russell Sunday evening for the young boys who will be attending the Shrine Bowl in Wichita this July.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 13, for the scrumptious fried chicken dinner which will be served at the McCracken Community Center beginning at NOON!!  Be sure to attend!!
If you didn’t make the effort to attend the “Ladies Day Out” event this past Saturday at St. Michael’s Parish Hall in LaCrosse, you really missed some great programs and booths. Our ‘men’ models did an outstanding job of modeling clothes from ‘Couture for Men’ from the Centennial Mall, Hays; McCracken had ‘one of our own’ models, a great looking 32 year old young man; Lori Werth from the “We Care Clinic” in Great Bend gave a talk about exercise and nutrition; Cindy Babcock, activity director of the nursing home gave a demonstration about scrap booking.  Charlotte, Cindy, Kathy, Margaret, Elaine and many others do an outstanding job to make this event happen!!
Addie Mills was a Thursday evening supper guest of Evelyn Cosby at LaCrosse.
 Saw where you wanted people to let you know about birthdays and anniversaries.  Sam and my 50th anniversary is next Friday April 4th.  We were married in the All Faith Chapel on the campus of Kansas State University.  My maid of honor was Wilma Pfannanstiel Shaffer and Sam’s best man was his brother Dick.  Wow! Can’t believe it was that long ago.  Time files when you’re having fun.  Congratulations Sam and Dorothy (Crotinger) Graham.
Brenda Prosser was one of Aunt Ruth Yawger’s nurses while she was in Hays Medical Center.  Always nice to be taken care of by “one of our own”.
Congratulations to Aaron and Lesley McGaughey on the birth of a baby girl, Lillian Patricia on March 27, 2008 at Hays Medical Center.  Rob and Helena McGaughey are the paternal grandparents.  Maternal grandparents are Chuck and Pat Heidrick, Beloit.  
Lesley’s birthday was April 1.
Roy and Phyllis Conrad attended the Holy Saturday services at Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Wichita.  Their daughter, Rhonda Allen, was part of the RCIA class who were received or renewed in the church.  Congratulations Rhonda.
Congratulations to the fourteen young men and women who were confirmed at St. Michael’s Catholic Church on Saturday afternoon.  The ceremony was impressive - led by Bishop Ronald Gilmore and Father Rene Labrador.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Davis and Madison, Hutchinson; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Davis, Lincoln, Nebraska; Mrs. Bruce Davis, Cordova, Tennessee were weekend guests of Bob House.
Sunday dinner guests of Bob at the McCracken café were Eric and Melissa Davis, Sue Davis and granddaughter Madison and Addie Mills.
Kirby Petz was a patient at Hays Medical Center with pneumonia.
Bryan Thompson, Salina, son of Ken and Lou Thompson, was in Washington D. C. for a Journalist-Health Care Meeting.  He went to see Ben Thompson.  They had lunch in one restaurant and cherry pie in another!
 Dave Underwood and his mother Gwendolyn Lucille Hayes Underwood stopped by the Library on Saturday morning.  They wanted a copy of the McCracken History Book.   Gwen’s parents were Sarah Hyatt and Frank Hayes.  She now lives in Boulder, Colorado.  She came to stay with her cousin, Eunice North for a few days.  Gwen was born here in McCracken, but was raised in Fairfax, Oklahoma
Fran Work put us in contact with Kathy Wieland who has a hobby business in buying old photos, booklets and books to help family researchers.  She has a copy of Rush County Kansas – A Century in Story and Pictures” published in 1976.  It is the book with the hard brown cover.  If you are interested in obtaining this book, send her an e-mail at  She wants $67.50 which includes mailing.  You may also write her at 6028 Bissonnet Court, St. Louis, MO 63129-2103 or go on the web at  The only other copy she has seen online is asking $180.00.
Welcome home Arline Rues.  The Rues family helped their mother, Arline, move into her home in McCracken over the weekend.  She was a resident of Topeka, but opted for the “good life”. 
McCracken History Notes
April 1908
Married at Judge Redman’s office yesterday morning Mr. Carl Brewer and Miss Laura Seiling.
The McCracken public schools have closed and the children are out for a vacation of five months.
April 1938
McCracken’s top rank jockey, Willis Ward, who has been riding winning horses at numerous parks over the US returned to his home for a visit last week.  He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward.  He will ride in the Kentucky Derby for the first time in his career.
About 400 grade school students represented 18 schools in Rush County and participated in the music festival held in LaCrosse.  Those from McCracken were Phyllis Cheney, Kenneth Thompson, Shirley Sperry, Bertie Joy Twiselton, Billie Jo Moran, Donald Ramsey, Georgina Unrein, Betty McCaskey, Lois Earl, Joan Ryan, Robert Klug, Norma Ryan, Don Smith, Maurene McCaskey, Dickey Shiney, Sybil Mortimer, Hollis Irvin, Junior Sperry, Betty Jo Twiselton, Helen Smith Dorothy Elmore, Gordon Pratt and Norma Sperry.
April 1948
Del Klema has started construction of a new hanger at the McCracken airport.  The hanger will replace the steel building which was moved into McCracken to be converted into a truck garage.
Six new residences are being constructed at McCracken.  B. P. Steinshouer is completing the second story which was added to his basement residence.  New basement residences are being built by John McCormick, Kenneth Mills, Glen Eisenhour, Lyle Dugan and Bob Higgins.
Approximately six blocks of new curb and gutter are being construction according to J. I. Edward, city clerk.  Included in the work is one-half block at the Methodist church, one-half block around the Catholic Church, two blocks around the school building and the remainder on private property.
April 1958
Walter Schaumburg, 64, died April 5, 1958.  He was born in 1894 on a farm near Bison.  He was a former McCracken resident.
George Ree, Anna Foster and Wiley Branson left for Denver to visit Al Ree who underwent surgery in Denver.
April 1968
Stage band members are Kim Wendler, Floyd Norlin, Kent Bible, Buddy Barker, Donna Davis, Keith Higgins, Gloria Baus, Leanne Morgan, Carolyn Stremel, Rodney Taylor, Lane Scheuerman and Rita Wierman.
Sister Jean Moran underwent major throat surgery at the KU Medical Center as the result of injures she received from an automobile accident.
April 1978
Schafer Furniture and Barber Shop now has a new home.  The entire month of April will be the grand opening.  It is located just north of the library.
Mo Pac railroad tracks between Marquette and McCracken are scheduled for renovation for next year.  Almost 400 men will work on the gang crew to replace welded tracks, railroad ties and ballast.  Cost estimated is $197,000.00 for each mile.
April 1988
Josephine Almeda Oliver Herdman was born July 31, 1901 in Colfax, Illinois to George and Sarah Biggs Oliver.  She died March 25, 1988.  As a young girl she moved with her family to the Arnold-Utica area.  She married Charles Albert Herdman, July 31, 1921.  He died in 1973.  Burial was in the McCracken City Cemetery.
Congratulations to Tom and Brenda Prosser on the birth of a baby girl, Kristy Lynn, born April 1, 1988.   Maternal grandparents are Frank and Elaine Littler, great-grandparents are Icis Eisenhour and Melvin and Mildred Littler.
April 1998
Lorraine Ryan and Crystal and Crystal Stolzenburg attended the music production, “Grease” at McCain Hall at K-State on Tuesday.
Clinton Kershner won a top blue ribbon at the regional 4-H in Leoti.  He sang “Home on the Range”.

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