March 29, 2017

Birthdays: March 29, Robert Sloan; March 30, Gloria Blackwell, Hayden Buster, Molly Knight, Linde Parsons Ohmes; March 31, Tyrel Elias; April 1, Jean Schutte, Gage Elias, Erica Gilbert, Kristy Packard, Lesley McGaughey; April 2, Chris Irvin; April 3, Karen Borger, Billie Slemp, Gunner Wilson.

Anniveraries: March 29, Wilfrid and Twila Higgins; April 1, Dominic and Kayla Weskamp; April 4, Gerald and Signe Barnes, Sam and Dorothy Graham.

Pat Kochenower and Diane Carswell, Ottawa, were here last weekend to visit their daughter and sister, Lynn Kochenower. They enjoyed touring the area, looking at antique stores and thrift shops. On Sunday they attended the McCracken United Methodist Church. They also visited Elsie Urban.

Congratulations to Phil Ochs, Salina, who will retire March 31 after working 36 years for the Union Pacific Railroad. He is the son of Charlotte Ochs.

A fish fry at the American Legion Friday night in McCracken. Desserts provided by Mustang Relay for Life.

Shirley Higgins motored to Hutchinson Wednesday afternoon where she was a guest of Jerry and Jodi Higgins. Tanner and Jenna were also home for spring break. She attended the Hutch Juco games, shopped at Smith’s Market. She returned home late Sunday afternoon and actually heard thunder and it rained an inch or more in Hutch.

Some students in Ashland are spending their spring break tearing out burned up fences as their family and friends deal with the aftermath of the State’s largest wildfire. On the Gardiner Ranch it could be 300 miles. It costs about $10,000 a mile in fencing costs. Estimates on cattle losses range from 3,000 to 9,000 head of cattle and some lost their hay supply and homes as well. Most farmers didn’t have insurance on their cattle or fences. It’s disastrous!

Hampton History 1887:

A big dance at in the new barn of John G. Saunders, of Fairview, on Friday evening. . W. Burnett owns 40 acres near and rents off Capt. Edwards. He was formerly of Chautauqua County. This week men and teams are at work throwing a big dam across the Big Timber at McCracken. It is the intention to have a large pond near the city. An excursion train will run to McCracken July 4. It will leave Lone Star at 8 a.m. and LaCrosse 8:30 a.m. returning in the evening; T.R. Brooke is the postmaster at Hampton; Capt. Edwards is carrying mail between LaCrosse and Hampton via West Point; The number of resident taxpayers in each township. . . Big Timber 79; Alexander 98; Fairview 92; and Hampton 125; Several LaCrosse young men went to Hampton on Sunday to hear Rev. Ross; Jacob Forbes has commenced to excavate a large fish pond; T.R. Brooke of Hampton took in the baseball game at Scott City; Once more we can hear the busy hum of the threshing machine in our midst, James Start and sons are the boss threshers.

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