News March 27 
Jamie Conrad and daughter Rose Varnor from Jonesbouro, Arkansas spent the week with their Grandfather and Great Grandfather Sylvester Conrad and visited Roy & Phyllis Conrad of McCracken.  Jamie and Rose wanted to come for a short visit as they are moving to Chicago, IL. where Jamie is taking a new job.  They left earlier than wanted as lots of rain fell down their way.  Roy & Phyllis will spend Easter time with Neil, Rhonda, Chandler and Ashleigh Allen in Wichita.
Emma Rues brought this home from her second grade class. The kids brainstormed the ideas: "If I were President of the United States I would...Give everybody a house. I would not make people pay taxes. I would eat as much cookie dough as I can. I would give free stuff to poor people. I would own my own lake."
Those attending the Seder meal at Liebenhaus Wednesday evening were Sister Martina, Father Rene, Verlin and Elaine Pfannenstiel, Rosarie Jecka, Eleanor Moeder, Mildred Sauer, Florence Herrman, Joann Jacobs, Twila Herrman, Judy Hoffman, Maggie Dechant, Shirley Higgins, Lucy Dechant, Joann Micheli, Rita Oborny, Twila Higgins, Blanche Tomecek, Jean Schutte, Jeanette McCormick, Phyllis Conrad.
It has come to our attention that the McCracken golf course, #1 and #3 sand greens have been vandalized.  A vehicle or vehicles have spun around on the greens as deep as the hard pan and busted it. All the sand will have to be replaced.  The sheriff has all ready been at the course and observed the tracks.  If anyone has any information about these incidents please contact Sheriff Ward Corsair.  
While on the subject of vandalism, has anyone noticed the printed sign into the McCracken Cemetery about flowers being picked up after a certain length of time - it has been spray painted.
The City Park has also received some vandalism.  The lights that were placed to show respect for our flag and our deceased loved ones were broken, they will have to be replaced.  The tables in the shelter were walked and/or jumped on so the boards are uneven.  It is sad to see what little we have left in McCracken being destroyed.
John Zeller, Bill Greenway, Donna and Allen Hill, Betty Greenway, Gladys and Wendell Hinman, Shirley Higgins, Gary Sam Oller, Joyce Crawford are some of those other than immediate family members that attended the Evelyn Higgins funeral in Hoisington Saturday morning.
Cameron Horesky was selected to play in the Mid Central Activities Association versus Heart of America all-star game Saturday night, the 22nd, at Hesston College in Hesston. There were 20 boys chosen, ten from each league. Lonnie and Tammy Irvin, Chuck Higgins and Zach, Jerry Higgins and Tanner attended the game.  Cameron was named the tournament MVP.
Easter guests of Bill and Sharon Lovitt in Ransom were Scott and Lora Faiman, Clay, Rae and friend, Teresa Lovitt and Jennifer Lovitt.
Norma and Roger McNair celebrated their 2nd anniversary the 18th by playing golf and eating at Effie’s in Rush Center.
Penny and Lisa Schuckman couldn't come for Easter to visit with their dad, LeeRoy Schuckman. Robin and his family came Thursday and left Saturday.  LeeRoy spent Easter at his mother’s, Esther Schuckman at LaCrose.  Two of his sister's children also were there as was Eddie Schuckman for dinner. 
An article about Francis Flax appeared in the insert of the Tuesday’s Hutchinson News.  He was inducted in the NJCAA Coaches Hall of Fame.  He has spent the last 18 years at Brown Mackie College in Salina, with 16 of them as the head basketball coach.  Prior to Brown Mackie he served as athletic director and men’s basketball coach at Highland Community College from 1979- 1988.  Combined with his record at Brown Mackie, he has a career NJCAA record of 477-370 in 25 years.  BM has made four appearances in the NJCAA Division II Tournament and won the national championship in 1999 and 2005 and finished fourth two other times.  Francis is the brother of Bernadette Taylor who lives in McCracken. 
Easter guests of Betty Greenway were Allan and Donna Hill, Bill, Paula, William, Michael and Stephanie Greenway.
Darrell Sunley purchased Sonny’s Tavern in Liebenthal several weeks ago.  He has painted and ‘rejuvenated’ the interior.  He is serving lunch specials daily.  Please stop in and say ‘hello’.
 Last weekend Allen and Kathy Meyers spent Saturday night with Roger and Norma McNair. They all attended the baseball game in Hays to watch Matt Meyers play against the Ft. Hays baseball game. Matt plays for the Missouri Western College. This is his first year for playing with Missouri.   He is the son of Allen and Kathy.
Dennis & Arlene Irvin, Don Irvin, Chad, Amber, Audrey & Chet Irvin, Chris, Jana, & Crissa Irvin, Ruth Irvin,  Anna & Graycie Legleiter, Kellye, Sandy, & Scott Irvin.  Dena Irvin & Kayla Irvin have been in Europe and flew in to Kansas City Easter morning - they pulled into our driveway around 6:30 last night.
The Soul Express, performed for the first time in 40 years at the Kansas Music Hall of Fame concert Saturday night in Lawrence.  The band of high school age kids that grew up in Hays and jammed from 1965 to 1969 now live in Texas, New Mexico, Minnesota, Ohio and Hays. They traveled around in a big old green school bus.  They were on the road from the end of school until the end of August.  They were inducted this year into the Kansas Music Hall of Fame.  Dennis Higgins, son of the late Pat and Mary Higgins was a member of the band as was Donnie Wierman, son of the late Alvina and William Wierman Jr.   Terry Wierman, son of the late Alvina and William Wierman Jr. was a member of the band The Fabulous Flippers and was also inducted. Those attending the induction were Martin Higgins, Richard and Johnny Mac Showalter.

Those who attended the scavenger hunt at the Park were Stephanie Greenway, Courtney and Erica Gilbert.  Lexie and Zoe Anderson, Emma, Katie and Will Rues, Anton and Kaden Foust, Katelyn and Taylor Doornbos were those who hunted Easter eggs.  My thanks to Stephanie for giving me the names of the kids who attended the ‘hunt’.
Carolyn and Dave Davenport went to the manor to have Easter dinner with Midge Davenport. Lenora Stremel and Shirley Bundy were dinner guests of Barry and LeAnn Knight and family, then spent the afternoon visiting Carolyn and Dave Davenport.  Midge is doing pretty good, has good days and bad days I guess like all of us.
Priscilla Jacobs spent Easter weekend in Wichita with Neal, Amy, Jaden and Tessa Jacobs.
Easter Sunday guests of Shirley Higgins were Kayla, Nicole, Lindsey, Chuck, Zach, Tammy, Lonnie, Cameron and Kyra.
Addie Kershner was an overnight guest of Jerry & Neoma Kreutzer and their granddaughter Alisha on Tuesday evening.  They ate supper at Effie’s in Rush Center.
Supper evening guests Saturday of Mike, Jerilyn, Tayler & Colby Stull were John and Janice Stull, Ruby Myers and Gene Littler.  Easter day was spent at Alex and Twila Herrman.
Easter Sunday noon guests of Lorraine and Glenn Ryan were Crystal, Chad, Anton and Kaden Foust and Niki Ryan.  They also celebrated Niki’s birthday, her 18th!!!
Bet and Jeanette McCormick, Jean Schutte, Wilfrid and Twila Higgins ate Easter dinner in Ransom at the VFW.
A pre-Easter dinner was held at John & Sharon Irvin’s on Saturday, March 22nd.  Those attending were Lance & Jessie Irvin, Kayla Irvin, Sheryl & Les Rogers & Kelsee, Chase Rogers, Ruth & Dave Heffel from Hays, Vicky Overley, and Greg Robinson from Weskan who brought his 4 year-old grandson Eli from Goodland.  This year Eli got his share of the Easter Egg Hunt candy, as other family members were unable to attend this year.  Hopefully the plastic eggs were all found so Sharon doesn't mow over any this summer.
Easter guests of Bruce & Ellen Kershner and family were Grandpa Bob House and Cheryl & Allen Werth of Hays.
John and Melanie Zeller, Lance and Rachel Legleiter spent Easter Sunday in Hoisington at the home of Ruth Axman.
Tony and Tomi Rues and kids stayed home for Easter. They had a nice, quiet time. They enjoyed the Easter egg hunt at the park on Saturday and the kids enjoyed the social at the U.M.C. that night. On Sunday they enjoyed working on the yard, movies, and reading new books.
A birthday party was held on Saturday for Quintin Harris in McCracken. Those attending were Ty Elias, Tina Harris, Ken and Barb Harris, Steve and Debbie Schmidt, Kelly Harris and family, Chad Harris and girlfriend, Dennis and Jeannie Elias and Marge Elias.  Easter Sunday Ty, Tina and Quintin were in Kinsely with Ken and Barb Harris.
Addie Kershner was an overnight guest at Lexi Anderson’s 8th birthday party at the Hunters Hideaway in McCracken on Wednesday.  A great time was had by all.
March 15th Bill, Paula, William, Michael and Stephanie Greenway motored to Fredonia where they visited with Paula’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Grey.  They came home the 17th.
Francis and Roberta Wierman spent Easter Sunday with Ray, Laura and Jerod Wierman.  Also there were Marilyn and George Sommers, Silver Lake; Cindy Wierman, Olathe; and Jill Hershbach, Kansas City, Missouri.
Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith, Carolyn Thompson and Galen Allen had Easter dinner at the Highland Manor in Great Bend.
We appreciate receiving any new birthday and anniverary information.  We just added Roger and Norma McNair's anniversary.  It was March 18.  Happy Belated Anniversary.
Clark, Nicole and Maddie Kirk, Burrton; John, Josh and Ellen Moran, Great Bend; Jason and Michele Moran, Rush Center were Easter weekend guests of Bill and Marge Moran.
Anna and Audra spent part of their Spring Break with their Grandmother Verlene Wilson.  Clayton, Kizmin and Gunner Wilson, Bryan and Treva, Anna and Audra Berquist were at Verlene’s for supper on Saturday.  They attended the St. Patrick’s Parade at Rush Center on Saturday afternoon.
Fran Work, Gladstone, Illinois, has renewed her membership in the Jail/Museum and given a memorial in memory of Nancy Jane Ryan Neal Hays 1836-1932, who is buried in McCracken City Cemetery.
James K. Weirman, Kenneth and Keith Kirby and Mr. McNamee were in the 328th anti-aircraft artillery unit in Great Bend in 1948.  It was located in the big hanger at the airport.  That unit later became the 388th Medical Unit at Hays.  There was news in the Great Bend paper on Thursday that one of the World War 11 Hangers at the airport is being torn down, even though it is on the Historical Register.
Noel Lipton brought tubing and a piece of fiber optic cable that goes inside the tubing to the Jail/Museum.  The tubing and cable are being installed all over town to upgrade our TV service.  The workers gave the pieces to Noel to give to the museum.  Our thanks.
The young ladies who came by on a Scavenger hunt Saturday reminded me of the fun we use to have doing the same activity.  They needed a blue thread.  Thank goodness I still have my sewing box
A Prather niece of Mary Beth Peach was featured in the Hutchinson News on Wednesday.  She had a pet rooster she raised from a hatchling.  She won a medal for a painting she did of him when the rooster grew up.  When her pet rooster died, she buried him and placed the medal on his grave.  She is a talented artist.  A picture of her painting was included with the article.
 Susan J. Higdon, 73, died March 17, 2008, at Hutchinson.  She was born to John A. and Anna B. Metzler Brown on September 22, 1934.  Survivors include sons, Everett, Jim and Kenneth; brother’s Jim and Charles; sisters, Lee, Babe, Clara and Delpha; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.  Sue was our paper carrier while in McCracken.   
The Kansas Traveler paper for spring 2008 is available at the McCracken Post Office.  There is an insert that details all the exhibitors of the Kansas Sampler Festival to be held May 3 and 4 in Concordia.
 Evelyn Higgins, 91, died March 19, 2008 at Hoisington.  She was the daughter of Ralph M. and Martha (Schlegel) Plotner born on September 2, 1916 in Lamar, Colorado.  She married Andrew Higgins in LaCrosse on August 6, 1938.  He died October 14, 1978.  She was a postmaster in McCracken.  Survivors are two sons, Robert and Keith; daughter Carolyn Sekavec, eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.  She was preceded in death by a daughter, Marilyn Herdman, granddaughter, Sharolyn Herdman, a brother Harold Plotner and a sister Luceil Plotner.  Burial was in the McCracken City Cemetery.
How nice Father Rene’s house looks now that it has new siding.
Beginning in April, the McCracken Public Library will have new hours:  Monday, 2 -5, Tuesday 2 - 5, Wednesday 9-12 and 7-9, Thursday closed, Friday 2 -5, Saturday 10-2.
McCracken History Notes
March 1908
Ben H. Hicks and his crowd of buyers rounded up several cars of cattle and hogs and put them into market Tuesday.  Hardly a week passes he does not land a bunch at the stock yards in Kansas City.
March 1938
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Doerr celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary Sunday when a host of friends called and a pot luck dinner was served.  Those present were George and Emma Joseph and Albert, Owen and Rilla Dixon and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Doerr, Mr. and Mrs. Art Seeyle and family, Ross Babcok and Herb Doerr.
In a last minute drive Bison High School defeated Arnold Saturday night and won the Class B elimination tournament at Alexander 35-33.
March 1948
 A building 50 x 140 feet in size is being constructed in McCracken for Lyle and Leonard Dugan to house their Case Implement agency.  It is located across the street east from the Moran Agency.
A proposed $40,000 community hall and American Legion building was discussed and tentatively approved at the meeting of the McCracken Community Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Vogle and family moved the first of the week from a farm near Brownell to their residence property in McCracken.  On April 1, the Vogles will take charge of the Stein Tailor Shop.
March 1958
Over 60 men attended the meeting of the Cedar Bluff Lake Improvement association in the McCracken hotel Monday evening of last week.
March 1968
Doug Whitis and Rich Higgins were among those chosen for the South 50-6 all-star basketball tam.
Patty Littler received an advanced performance for her E flat alto sax solo at the music festival held at LaCrossse.
Charlotte Norlin received a check from the Kansas City Star for a story about buffalo.
March 1978
Jerry Casey and Kellye Irvin were on the lst team Lincoln Branch all league basketball squad.  Honorable mention was Layne Morgan and Mark Baus.  Ellen Davis was all league and Tammy Higgins was chosen second team.  Kerri Derr and Norma Elmore, honorable mention.
Officers for Lambda Iota are Sue Knoebber, Gloria Blackwell, Marge Moran, Carol Rixon, Ruthetta Irvin and Marge Elias.
Brownie Troop 152 members are Lynnette Harp, Krista Dome, Malena Rogers.  Their leaders are Shirley Harp and Alana Rogers.  Connie Schuckman is the leader for Troop 203.  Members are Penny Schuckman and Debbie Gaunt.  Junior troop members are Susan Thompson, Greta Dome, Michele Moran and Laura North.  Their leaders are Carolyn Thompson and Jan North.
March 1988
A sausage and pancake feed will be held at the Davis Café with proceeds going to the McCracken Public Library building fund.
March 1998
Sharon Bearley, Kensington, formerly of McCracken had a kidney transplant on March 21 at KU Medical Center.
The Moody Hooter band played in McCracken at KATZ after the lamb fry at the Legion Saturday night.
Electricity was restored late this week for our country McCrackenites after back to back winter storms.  We had heavy ice storms and then wet snow with blizzard conditions which closed schools and closed roads.

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