RCNews March 17

Birthdays:  March 17, Brian Davis, Bruce Kershner, Brandon Herdman, Rev. Eugene Kenny; March 18,  Mark Baus, Joshua Miller; March 19, Laura Wierman, Bill Wetzel, Andrew Zimmerman, Alexandra Anderson; March 20, Nicole Ryan, Carla McCarrell, Shari Jo Funk, Dylan Derr, Roxane Dechant, Sonia Mae Conner; March 21, Robert Higgins, Hannah Albers Enslow; March 22, Greg Hinman, Trisha North, Sr. Martina Stegman, Jenni Rogers, Kay Hardwick; March 23, Crystal Ryan, Reva Lloyd, Rev. Rene Labrador.
Anniversaries:  March 18, Roger and Norma McNair; March 20, Jerry and Ann Schutte; March 22, Bill and Kelly Harp
One of our McCracken residents received a phone call Thursday telling her she had won $450,000 from Publisher’s Clearing House BUT she had to send them $750.00 for insurance to send the money to her. PLEASE do not do this, it is a SCAM! Just hang up the phone. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Jean Oelkers and her granddaughter Dyan Suppes motored to Omaha last weekend to visit Shelly Oelkers who is doing training for her job as Federal Meat Inspector. They spent the weekend.
Those that represented the McCracken Rodeo on a float for the St. Patrick’s parade in Rush Center on Saturday were; Roger and Brenda Legleiter, Barb Rupp, Colleen Kerns, Bet and Jeanette McCormick, Wendell and Gladys Hinman, Priscilla Jacobs, Jean Schutte, Sandra Jacobs, Jean Schutte, Roy and Phyllis Conrad. Driving the two McCracken fire trucks were William and Michael Greenway. Riding with them were Gary Barnes, Paula Greenway and Stephanie, Courtney Gilbert. While waiting in line for the parade to start, a gentleman came up to the float and started a conversation, it was Congressman Jerry Moran. He wanted to know if McCracken still had a coffee shop which was run by someone who was connected with square dancing. (Francis and Julia Zeller). He was told no, it had closed but McCracken had a new café that he should try. He said he may have to come over one day for a cup of coffee.
Tanner Higgins, a sophomore at Hutch High School, placed 1st in power lifting competition for his weight class (132 lbs) held at Kapun in Wichita. He placed first in squat and first in clean.
Thanks to all those who wrote birthday wishes on my facebook. (I didn’t look at it until Friday). I’m not very good about getting on the site…….
Some of those who attended the class 1A state tournament recognition at Gross Memorial Coliseum Saturday evening in Hays were: Bill and Barbara Baus, Florentine Schuckman, Pat Derr, Joann Micheli, Kerri Morgan, Austin McGaughey, John Brack, Janet and Dwight Williams, Mark and Ann Baus and Olivia, Babe and Arlene Gilbert, Mitchell and Nikki Conner, Christine Schneider, Mike Conner, Caly Schuckman, Tony Rues, Carolyn Thompson, Rose Diehl, Shirley Higgins, Ron and Cathy Casey, John and Sharon Irvin, Kenny Foster, Terry Miller, Allen Burkhart; cheerleaders Deb Derr Rogers, Betty Moran Burkhart, Pat Littler Miller. A reception was held afterwards for members of the team, families and friends at the home of Bill and Barbara Baus in McCracken.
Dennis and Jamie Shell, Clint, Tara and Blake Swan, Kansas City, spent the weekend in McCracken and attended the festivities in Rush Center.
Evelyn Cosby and Addie Mills were among the many people who enjoyed the St. Patrick’s Day parade at Rush Center on Saturday. Addie also visited with friends in Long Term Care at the hospital.
Priscilla Jacobs spent the weekend in Wichita visiting with Neal and Amy Jacobs and family.
Addie Mills was a guest of Cellie Klee at her home on Council Grove City Lake on Wednesday and Thursday. Cellie’s son, Jay Klee, Yadkinville, North Carolina and grandson, Skyler Schmitt, a student at K-State were also there.
Our sympathy to Carol Weber on the death of her father, Max Weber, Sunday, March 6 in Denver.
As Maxine says “When gas prices reach $5.00 a gallon, it should include car insurance.” 
Those attending the graveside service for Galen Allen on Thursday were Tomi Rues, Shirley Higgins, Diz and Wilma Washaliski, Al and Judy Hugh, David and Janet Dennis, Danny Dennis, Marilyn Moeder, Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith and Carolyn Thompson.  Classmates attending were Carol Arnall, Jim and Sandy Boyce, Don Witte, Darrel and Ann Dunekack, Mary Ann Gabrielson, Jim and Barb Hoskins, Harold Langrehr and Barbara Unruh.
Please keep the people of Japan in your prayers.  Our friends Koshiro and Ayaka Aizawa had been to the hospital to see their son who had colon cancer surgery.  It took them 17 hours to get home.  Their ancestoral home is in Sendai that had severe damage. They live in Chiba Prefecture about 200 miles south of the epicenter of the earthquake.  The oil refinery that is burning is in Chiba Prefecture.  A Prefecture is like our states.
Barbara Baus is recovering from her knee surgery.  She did therapy at Ransom and now does it on her own.  She had the surgery in Great Bend. 
Kansas History Note
Have you been to Mount Sunflower in Wallace County?  In Ed Harold's pasture is where the U. S. Geological Survy found Kansas's summit, 4039 feet above sea level.
There is a sunflower sculpture made from railroad spikes welded together to commemorate the site.  When you get there be sure to kiss the ground and sign the guest book. Located:  3 miles west of Weskan on U. S. 40, 11 miles north and l west.  Cross a cattle guard and continue north on a pasture road.  (The Explorer)
McCracken History Notes
March 1911 
Great Bend dedicated its new depot last Friday and invited about 30 editors of adjoining towns to be present and see that it was well done.  A banquet was given in the new depot in the evening at which 300 of the businessmen of the town were present.
March 1941
New books at the library include "Lawn of the Morning" by Grace Livingston Hill; "Sunset Pass", by Zane Grey; "Invitation to Live" by Lloyd C. Douglas; "Sapphire of the Slave Girl" by Willa Cather.
A new Chevrolet, six passenger Sedan with New Fisher Fleetline Body is now available at the Ryan Motor Company.
March 1961
Wheat is $1.78 a bushel, milo $1.35 per cwt.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Casey, McCracken, on the birth of a daughter born March 1 at the Rush County Hospital.
March 1981
Those receiving l's at the grade schoool music festival were girl's triple trio; Paula Crawshaw, clarinet; John Moran, tombone; Chris Casey, trumpet; trumpet trio; Susan Thompson and Missey Seltmann piano.
The Eastern Star Chapter held a Dedication of Pedestals ceremony.  The pedestals were given in honor of a living or deceased member of the Eeatern Star.  The Ruth pedestal was given by Lorrain Ryan in appreciation for serving as Grand Ruth; Lorraine Ryan is Worthy Matron and Chester Irvin is Worthy Patron.  Officers are Joan Buster, Velma Legleiter, Marva Jo Bell, Joyce Rogers, Marlin McGinnis, Evelyn Rupp, Carl Legleiter, Harlon McNitch, Arlene Gilbert, Addie Mills, Lorraine Ryan, Chester Irvin, Julie Nuttle, Ruthetta Irvin, Charlott Fluharty, Rose Showalter, June Bible and Janie Rogers.  Guests were Geraldine McNitch and Agnes Holmes.

©2011, McCracken Alumni Association
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