News March 13
Addie Kershner, Emma Rues and Lexi Anderson attended a birthday party for Kacee Klozenbutcher on Sat. evening. They had fun doing gymnastics at Hays.
1946-1947 The Ellis grade school and McCracken grade school basketball teams played two games on the McCracken court on Wednesday. The McCracken midgets won the first game by the score of 15-2, with Vic Higgins being high point man. In the second game the McCracken regulars won 48-12 with John Rixon scoring 21 points. This was the first game for the McCracken teams. The officials were Sylvester Scheideman and Dell Klema.
Brian McNair, Denver, was a guest of his dad last week, Norma and Roger McNair.
Clayton Kershner received a PURPLE ribbon on a project talk that he wrote on No-Till Farming; Clinton Kershner received a BLUE ribbon on his project talk The FFA Opening Ceremony. Addie Kershner received BLUE ribbons on both her reading of ALEXANDER THE HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, NO GOOD VERY BAD DAY and a Novelty-Cheer. The week before they all received PURPLE ribbons at Ness City at County 4-H days, which allowed them to advance to Dodge.
Ty Elias, Tina Harris and Quintin were weekend guests of his mother, Dave and Carolyn Davenport in Hutchinson. They also visited with Tys grandmother, Lenora Stremel.
We missed the 1st birthday of Quintin Harris on March 10th. A celebration will be held at a late date.
Happy 50th birthday to Kenneth Higdon. Sorry this is late. It was February 28.
Emily Thompson, granddaughter of Ken and Lou Thompson, is part of a musical cast which performed at the Fox Theater in Hutchinson on Friday. The 23 year old Salina native is one of 12 cast members touring the country performing in the musical I Love a Piano, the music of Irving Berlin. Those attending were the Bryan Thompson family, Salina; Ken and Lou Thompson, Bucklin; Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith, Ellsworth; Shirley Higgins and Carolyn Thompson, McCracken; Tammy Irvin, Hoisington; and Danny and Gail Dennis, Hutchinson. Emily is a graduate of Emerson College in Boston, Mass. in May 2007, where she majored in musical theater.
Marge Elias, Dennis and Jeannie Elias met Doug, Staci and Maggie Elias at Applebees in Hays on March 2 for dinner. The Dale Elias family had been to Colby to celebrate Stacis mothers birthday.
Everyone enjoyed the fish fry at the Legion on Saturday night. It was nice to see the out-of-towners there.
The Rush County News mails more that 1,200 papers every Wednesday, sending them as far away as Hawaii, Canada, Alaska and Florida.
Mark and Ann Baus were named Kansas Master Farmer and Master Farm Homemaker.
Chris and Cindy Petz, Wichita, announce the engagement of their daughter Chelsea Dawn, to Kurt Gerald Wells, son of Mark and Jody Wells of Cheney. Grandparents of the bride-elect are Dolores Petz of McCracken and the late Donald Petz.
Mark your calendars for the Kansas Sampler Festival to be held at Concordia City Park on Saturday May 3, 10-5 and Sunday May 4, 10 - 4. 130 communities will have booths. Go to for complete list of exhibitors and activities. You may also vote for the 8 Wonders of Kansas Architecture at the Kansas Explorers Club tent.
The first part of the third McCracken History has gone to the publisher, Creative Printing in LaCrosse.
McCracken History Notes
March 1908
The motto In God We Trust goes back on the coins, but there are very few people who have a coin long enough to get on speaking terms with the motto.
The Ryan Lumber Co. is laying the foundation with the intention of erecting an addition to their elevator which will give them double the capacity.
March 1938
Medals in typing were given to seniors Lucille Elmore, Marjorie Norlin and Violet Crawford for a speed from 50-60 words per minute.
Mattie J. Ward Wilson, 70, died March 13, 1938 at her home in McCracken.
March 1948
Practically every city, town and farm in this area was isolated yesterday when the worst snow storm in the winter hit most of Kansas. An all-time cold record for the month of March was set here last night when the thermometer dipped to 23 degrees below zero according to Wm. Crotinger, official weather observer at Bison.
McCracken was to have played in the Hays B regional tournament but snow-blocked roads kept the basketball team at home. Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., McCracken was to play Beverly. The game was postponed until 11:15 Thursday morning. Snow still blocked the roads between McCracken and Hays Thursday morning and the game was forfeited.
March 1958
McCracken received 1 rating in the one-act play presented at Fort Hays State. The cast included Arlene Wilson, Karen Walker, Joyce Showalter, Marlene Wilson, Donna Knight and Peggy Harper.
The McCracken Community Club entertained their wives at a supper in St. Marys Hall Thursday evening.
March 1968
The patrons of St. Michaels School in LaCrosse held a meeting Sunday, March 3 and voted overwhelmingly to discontinue the operation of their school at the end of this year. USD 395 is in the process of negotiating a lease agreement with St. Michaels school to use their building for public school classes. Another major change will take place in the Unified district will be the closing of Liebenthal Grade School at the end of the current school year. The enrollment will drop to less than 40 and the cost would be $38,000.00
Three troops of Girl Scouts will attend their churches as a group in their uniforms next Sunday. Brownie Troop leaders are Mary McCormick and Janie Rogers. Brownies are Kim McCormick, Paulette Healy, Janet Unrein, Ellen Davis, Terri Rogers, Hope Johnston, Jeannie Augustine, Michelle Kershner and Diana McFarren. Junior Troop leaders are Joan Buster and Joann Sloan. Juniors are Sally Buster, Nancy Higgins, Cheryl Davis, Linda Sloan, Rosemary Rues, Roberta Halbleib, Brenda Rogers, Marsha Healy and Lynette Legleiter. Cadette Troop leaders are Joyce Rogers and Pat Walker. Cadets are Donna Davis, Debbie Derr, Roxann Rogers and Alicia Rues. Patricia Foss is music leader for the three troops.
March 1978
At the grade school music festival Friday, March 10, 1s were received by Alaura Scheuerman, clarinet quartet, sax trio; Brenda Barnes, Stacy Foreman, Lori Brown, Keri Bromlow, Mike Stull, Sandra Taylor, Janet Conner and Dixie Bott. Sandra Taylor had an AP on her sax.
Sharon Wells took first place in the Rush county spelling bee. Other contestants were Lori Brown and Sandy Taylor.
March 1988
Alvina Foster is librarian at the McCracken Public Library.
Oliver L. Pearson, 85, died March 8, 1988. He was born May 17, 1902 at Lindsborg. He married Edith Dixon Deam, July 20, 1931 in Great Bend. She died in 1969. He was a retired teacher, coach, principal and superintendent of McCracken schools. He was a graduate of Bethany College, Lindsborg and received his masters degree from Kansas State University, Manhattan. Survivors include his daughter, Lynnette Guy, Canyon, Texas and a sister Clara Pearson, Lindsborg. Graveside services were held at Lindsborg with the memorial service at the United Methodist Church, McCracken.
March 1998
Those volunteers who devoted their time and talents to help the new McCracken Grocery Store receive a new face lift were Fred and Mary Anne Taylor, Joel and Terry Reichel, Gerald and Signe Barnes, Phyllis Conrad, Babe and Arlene Gilbert, Joy Petz, Twila Higgins, Barbara Baus, Jack and Verlene Wilson, Bernadette Taylor, Larry Edmundson, Betty Fear, Tony Harp, Shirley Higgins, Francis Zeller and Diz and Wilma Washaliski. A job well done.
A surprise birthday party was held to honor Kenneth Highdon on his 40th birthday. Those attending were Jim Schafer, Doug Seltman, Bob House, Loren Trourbuddle, Lorraine Norlin, Denda Brown, Alexa and John and Bill and Neoma Augustine and personal attendant, Ina and Terry. Cake and ice cream were served.