RCNews March 10
Birthdays: March 10, Quintin Harris, Kyle Schwindt; March 11, Joy Petz, Melanie Albright, Pat Showalter; March 12, Taylor Yohe, Dolores Petz, Richard Jones, Sierra Shelit, Mathew Wetzel; March 13, Kelly Shelit, Leanne Miller, Deanne Stevens, Reggie Irvin; March 14, Floyd Norlin; March 15, Jenna Higgins, Havyn Showalter, Julie Elias, Lily Rues; March 16, Audra Hurd.
Anniversaries: March 10, Ted and Shawna North; March 12, Rick and Rosemarie Schwindt, Stuart and Brenda Clancy; March 13, Arlyn and Jan North, Jeff and Billie Crawshaw.
Addie Mills visited with Brandon Mills at Freddys in Hays last Sunday. Brandon is the manager there.
Bruce and Sue Davis and Grandpa House motored to Hutchinson last Saturday where they helped celebrate the 13th birthday of Madison Davis at the home of her parents, Brian and Lisa Davis, Hunter and Landon.
A 50th wedding anniversary get-to-gather was held for Bob and Marlene Funk Saturday evening at the farm home of Jeff and Anita Butler. Family and friends were in attendance. It was also a celebration for Anita as she turned 50!!
Dont forget, Boondocks will be closed Saturday, March 12 for lunch due to Rush Centers St. Pattys Parade. They will be open in the evening from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Mike Karline was a guest of Addie Mills from Saturday morning to Tuesday evening while his parents were at the KU Med Center.
Dustin and Lisa Day hosted a party for their daughter McKaylees 5th birthday last week. Those in attendance were her parents, grandma Cheryl and grandpa Pete Werth and Audrey; Ellen, Clayton and Addie Kershner and Grandpa House.
I enjoyed Happy Birthday sung to me by Kaylas first grade students on my cell phone. I promised them cookies!!!!
Jan O'Toole, Arnold, was a guest of Francis and Julia Zeller at Boondocks. She had never been to Boondocks so wanted to come and visit.
Lowell Burnham, Freeport, Illinois, was a Saturday visitor to the Jail/Museum. He is the son of the late Louise Marvin Burnham who donated several articles to the museum including her wedding dress. Lowell made a generous donation to the museum and is now a new member. He had been here for the funeral of his aunt, Laurene Marvin.
Our sympathy to the family of Laurene Marvin, 89, LaCrosse who died March 1, 2011 at Ransom. She was born at Ransom to Frederick and Mary Margaret (Roths) Friess. She married E. Leon Marvin on December 6, 1947, in Wichita. He died April 10, 2004. Survivors include five sons, Gerald, Verle, Dennis, Gayle and Merle. two daughters, Nancy Donnell and Susan Sharp, eight brothers and six sisters. Burial was in LaCrosse City cemetery.
Arlyn and Jan North were in Englewood, Florida, for a week visiting Jesse and Jolene Showalter. They also went to Naples and met Jim and Cheryl Irvin Long.
Our sympathy to the family of Archie Galen Allen, 73, Great Bend, who died March 4 at his home. He is survived by his children, Curtis Allen of Redmond, Washington and Lehanna Allen of Seattle, Washington, and a sister, Marilyn Wade, Fredonia, Kansas. His wife, Barbara, pre-deceased him in 2006. He was a classmate and friend of Carolyn Thompson.
Our thanks to the Rush County United Fund and the people of Rush County for the check for $299 for the museum. Some of the funds will be used for the 25th Anniversary Rodeo week display at the museum.
Our sympathy to the family of Viola Grumbein, 101, of Ness City. She was born October 4, 1909 in Ness City to Herman and Rose Smith Mellies. She married Ralph Grumbein on October 4, 1930 in Ness City. He died July 16, 1988. She is survived by two sons, Albert and Eldon and daughter Valdah Titel. Burial in the Ness City Cemetery.
Kansas History Item
In 1861 they were told they would receive asylum and aid so Creek Indian Chief Opothleyahola led serveral thousand tribal members, along with 500 slaves and free blacks, from Oklahoma to Kansas. Many died from Confederate attacks and bitter cold. There is a memorial plaque in downtown LeRoy (The Explorer)
McCracken History Notes
March 1911
The high school has commenced a twice a week practice for the drama which they expect to give at the close of the school term. Those taking part are Onas Elmore, Ralph Elmore, Len Lovitt, Mark Cutler, James Start, John Lovitt, Sadie Wilson, Inez Snodgrass, Beulah Wharton and Lucy Carkhuff.
March 1941
Edythe Allberts was driving a new red streamline Studebaker pickup in town Tuesday. This shiny truck attracted a group of admirers on Main Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Davenport left Tuesday for Shreveport, La. where he will work for Western Union.
March 1961
Chilly Knob school district located south of Rush Center voted at a special meeting to consolidate with the Rush Center Grade school district. Rush Center is a three teacher schoool with a total enrollment of 72 pupils.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Funk, Wakeeney, on the birth of a daughter, Anita Ann, born March 2 in the Hadley Memorial hospital in Hays, weighing 8 lbs. and 8 oz. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Derr on the birth of a daughter, Kerri Jo, born March 3 weighing 6 lbs. and 10 oz. (Happy 50th)
March 1981
With the fall semester, 1981-82, Thomas More Prep and Marion High School will be operated as one school entitled TMP.
Bazine thumped McCracken 100-66 in the first round of the regionals. Scott Moore and Jim Cole teamed for 69 points, Jeff McCormick scored 26 for the Mustangs.