Mar 15

42 ‘Young Americans’ from all over the country, Hawaii, Seattle, California, Las Vegas, Texas, Colorado, Canada, Nebraska, Florida, Michigan, New York, Minnesota, North Carolina and New Jersey arrived in Norton Saturday afternoon. There were 240 students from Norton, grades 4 through 12 who participated in the performance Tuesday evening. The ‘Young Americans’ worked with the kids Sunday for a few hours and all day Monday. It was wonderful. The director, Larry Boyd, is originally from Holyrood and attended school at Bethany. He works for and with Disney World and Disney Land.

Frank and Elaine Littler and Carol and Terry Herdman met in Las Vegas last weekend. They all had a fun, marvelous time.

Roger and Norma McNair spent Tuesday – Friday in Ponca City, Okla with her mother Marge Sloan and her sister Howard and Ruth Ann Sissel.

New porches are being built at the home of Mitchell Conner. Looks marvelous.

We have fond memories of Inez and ‘Bus’ Scheideman when they were sponsors of the slo pitch softball team in which some McCrackenites were players. Inez always had the back of their pickup stocked with sandwiches and drinks. Was a fun time!!

Les Diehl attended funeral services Friday for his aunt, Mary Marcy in Wakeeney. Rose met him Saturday in McCracken.

The Ladies Day Out will be held Saturday, March 31 at 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon.

It will be held at the Parish Hall in LaCrosse. Tickets are $5.00 which includes breakfast. Proceeds benefit Rush County Ministerial Alliance.

Our sympathy to Howard and Ruth Ann Sissel on the death of his father Paul T. Sissel, 88, of Enid, Oklahoma. Funeral services were held Tuesday in Enid.

Bob Fear was a week end guest of his daughter, Nicole and Bart Tarbell of LaCrosse.

Ruth and Ron Crawshaw went to Wichita Thursday for Ron’s doctor appointment with his leg. After the appointment they went to Fredonia to eat supper with Ruth’s parents, Ted and Bernadine Gray.

The City of McCracken has been awarded a federal disaster assistance grant which is paying for clean up of downed tree branches and limbs. Any resident needing clean up should push, pull or tug all their branches and limbs to the curb side for pickup. I you need assistance contact Ron Crawshaw.

Be careful walking toward the county line, one of our walkers was ‘attacked’ from behind by a Russian thistle.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day birthday to 50 year old Bruce Kershnerr.

Carl and Velma Legleiter, Brian Legleiter and Michael and Brandi LaFond accompanied Mike and Sherilyn Legleiter to the Spring Commencement at DeVry in Kansas City on Friday March 2 . Lance Legleiter received his Associate of Applied Science in Electronics and Computer Technology degree.

Chet and Joyce Rogers went to visit their new great-granddaughters on Sunday. They are Addison Rose and Abigail Lorae and will be called Addie and Abby. The twins weighed 6.4 and 6.6 pounds. Next week they will go home to be with their 18-l/2 month old twin siblings. Tammy and Anthony are doing well. Tammy is a special education teacher and Anthony is an ER nurse. They live in rural Bucklin. Congratulations to all. Grandparents are Roxie and Ron Dechant.

Inez Scheideman, 81, died March 6, 2007, at LaCrosse. She was born March 4, 1926 to Ralph and Blanche Smrcka Holopirek at rural Timken. She married Vernon L. Scheideman at LaCrosse on January 24, 1946. He died December 24, 1999. She is survived by sons, Larry, Dale and Kent; two brothers Marvin and Donnie Holopirek and a sister Marie Reifschneider, five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Her niece, Marge Moran, lives at McCracken.

We have fond memories of Inez and Bus Scheideman when they were sponsors of the slo pitch softball team in which some McCrackenites were players. Inez always had the back of their pickup stocked with sandwiches and drinks. Was a fun time!!

Drewie McGaughey had a copy of the “Diary of Andrew Robertson” that had been printed in April 1962 by Donald M. Earl, U. S. Navy aboard the U. S. Los Angeles at Long Beach, California. Rob loaned it to us to make a copy for the museum. The diary begins on August 5 (a Tuesday) in 1873. They left from Champayne County, Illinois in a covered wagon to travel to Colorado and Pikes Peak. Andrew, age 26 and his father 59 traveled together. Andrew’s sister, Mrs. Anna L. Rush accompanied them as far as Putnam County, Missouri. On most days they traveled about 40 miles. They crossed the Missouri at St. Joseph and went through Nebraska. They used buffalo Chips for fuel when they couldn’t find wood. They saw many ranches with large cattle herds. The animals of the prairie were antelope, prairie dogs and buffaloes. They came in sight of mountains about 3 miles from Evans, Colorado, on September 24. The nights were getting cold, the water froze in the bucket. Oats was two cents per pound, corn 1.40 per cwt., flour was 4.50 cwt, hay is worth 18 to 20 dollars per ton. Potatoes were worth 2-l/2 per pound, butter 40, eggs 60 cents per dozen. They arrived in Denver at 11:50 on Saturday, September 27. They traded “Old Charles” for a French Canadian pony. On October lst, 1873, they crossed the divide at an elevator of between 7000 and 8000 feet. Then they headed for Colorado Springs. They camped at the spring near Manitou. They returned to Colorado Springs and planned to head home, but there was an Indian rising on the plains. They had to wait until the troops could quiet them down. They had planned a trip to Pikes Peak, but conclude it was too much of a trip. They left for home on Monday, October 13.taking with them 225 pounds of grain – enough to get across the plains. They woke up on October 28 and the ground was covered with snow. They were worried about white horse thieves. They told them the thieves are worse between Kit Carson and Hays City than any other place in the west. . Their horse Flora got bloated due to alkali water. She died in about 45 minutes. They just wanted to get back to “the States”. They finally crossed over the border but it was fearfully cold with a strong north wind. He states, “Getting Blamed tired of this trip”. They finally arrived near Ellis along the Big Creek. It was the first running stream since leaving the mountains. They sold their wagon and harness for $50.00 at Ellis. When they reached Russell, the Robertsons struck out for home on horseback. They had 700 miles to go. They arrived home on Thursday, November 27 (Thanksgiving Day. He was not anxious to make the trip again soon. Drew Robertson later was the druggist in McCracken.

McCracken History Notes

March 1887

The Enterprise is temporarily located in C. Hallock’s carpenter shop.

E. L. Williams has disposed of his stock of lumber to Messrs. Sutton and Murphy who will move it to their yard. Mr. Williams has not decided what he will do.

It is said that as many as 7,500 cars of supplies for the extension of the road will be unloaded here this summer. Fitzgerald has the contract from here to Colorado Springs.

March 1907

A fine birthday party was given Mrs. Ed Sloan on Tuesday evening at which between thirty and forty of the neighbors and friends were present. The event celebrated her forty-eighth birthday.

Wm. Ryan, Sr., and wife of the Smoky, were at the home of his son G. M. Ryan on Monday.

March 1937

School news: Patrick Higgins, who has been absent several weeks with scarlet fever and Orval Rogers, who had chickenpox, are both back in school this week. Elbert Langdon is absent with scarlet fever.

The cast for the junior play “Baby Steps Out” has just been announced. The cast is as follows: Ben McCaskey, Marjorie Norlin, Lucille Elmore, Julia Davenport, Ed Thompson, Herman Rein, Ruby Littler, Lillian Murphy. Stage managers are Junior McCaskey and George Myers. Business Managers are Paul Grate, Paul Sweeney and Basil Davenport.

March 1947

Mr. and Mrs. Junior Donecker moved the first of the week to the Elmer Derr farm east of McCracken.

The Misses Amy and Eleanor Holdgate moved to McCracken from the farm last week and are at home in the property they purchased of Mac Showalter in the west part of town. The Showalter family moved out to the Holdgate farm the first of the month.

The furnace in the basement of the Evangelical-United Brethern church exploded about six o’clock Sunday evening but no serious damage was done to the building.

March 1957

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kershner, Rush Center, on the birth of a son, Bruce Jay, March 17, 1957.

McCracken students attending Fort Hays State are Carolyn Leila Oller, Lola Jean Oller, Dight Arlyn House, William J. Moran, Patrick Alton Keener, Philena M. Baus, Floyd Thompson, LeeRoy Schuckman, Priscilla Kate Rixon and Diana Kay Walker.

March 1967

Harley and John Irvin attended the Western Farm Show in Kansas City on Tuesday.

Doris Jones and Irma Wegher are in second place in the Class D doubles of the Kansas Women’s bowling tournament held in Great Bend.

Wheat $1.63 – Milo $1.85

March 1977

Those receiving 1’s at the grade school music festival were Randy Conrad, vocal; Lori Brown, piano; Sandy Taylor, sax; and Kerri Bromlow, oboe.

Frances Janke was elected president of St. Mary’s Altar Society.

March 1987

Barbara Grass was the first official customer of The Nekoma State Bank at its new location in LaCrosse. Assisting Grass with her transaction was Gary Kay, the new bank president. The last depositor at the Nekoma location was Teresa Moran, the daughter of John P. Moran, one of the founders of the Bank.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Elmore 111 on the birth of a daughter, Lacey Ann born February 27, 1987, at Hadley in Hays.

March 1997

Nicole Moran was a member of the Fort Hays State University pep band that played for the tournament at Brookings, S. D. last weekend.

Chuck Higgins, Jeff McCormick and Blake Seib were in Kansas City this weekend for the Mid-West Regional NCAA Tournament.

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