RCNews March 6

Some of those who attended Encore in Hays Thursday evening were Al and Judy Hugh, Shirley Higgins, Kyra Horesky, Charlotte Ochs, Tomi Rues, Carol Weber, Joann Micheli, Ruthetta Irvin, Zelda Brack, John and Janice Stull, John and Sharon Irvin, Francis and Julia Zeller, Bill Zeller, John and Melanie Zeller, Jerry & Christine Wagner. They enjoyed the play ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.  The play was performed by the Montana Rep’s National Tour. 
Sean Dibble, son of Carolyn Oller, is now on the faculty at the University of Miami teaching music methods to teachers and future teachers.
Dallas and Jamie Dewitt, Mason, Hunter and Maverick and Jeff Molloy, Topeka, were weekend guests of her mother, Roger and Norma McNair.
Charlotte Ochs accompanied Rose Diehl and Arline Rues to Lewis on Tuesday where they visited with some of Arline’s friends.
Dave and Carolyn Davenport were visitors of Reba Baker in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma recently.
My cat which has been gone for 4-5 months returned to my back yard last week; however it won’t stay.  It is white with a black tail and one black ear.  Where does it go?
Frances Healy Janke, 88, died February 28, 2009.  She was born October 3, 1920 in Hope to Leo James and Anna Julia Pientka Healy.  She was a 1938 graduate of Alta Vista High School.  She married John Robert Janke April 15, 1947 in McCracken.  He died March 16, 1978.  She was a member of St. Mary Catholic Church and Altar Society, Athenian Club, Golden Agers, Golf Club at McCracken and Sixty Plus Club in LaCrosse.  She lived in Hays prior to entering The Rush County Nursing Home.  She sang in the choir at St. Mary's.  She was a farm wife and homemaker.  She loved doing crafts.  She was a good friend.  Survivors are a daughter, Maureen Georg; son-in-law, Jay Georg; two grandchildren, Amber Georg and Justin Georg.  Funeral mass was at St. Mary's, McCracken with burial in McCracken City Cemetery.
The tentative plans for the alumni:  We will not have the "Big Top" this year. 
 Our dinner will be held at the McCracken Community Center with Steve Moeder, 'Weavers' again serving the meal.  We will have the letter ready to send in a couple of months.  If you have a new address, please let Sandra or Shirley know.  Thanks.
Thanks to all who attended the rodeo meeting Sunday night.  The next scheduled meeting is Sunday, March 15th at 7:00 PM at the Fire Building in McCracken.  We will try and set the entire schedule so that Posters can be printed.  We will have a parade on Saturday afternoon beginning with Sign-up at 2 PM, with the parade beginning at 2:30. Shawna North is the parade coordinator.  A popular new addition last year, the Cutest Cowboy/Cowgirl Contest will again be held immediately following the parade; Ava North is the coordinator of this event.  Any volunteers who would like to help these ladies please let them know. 
Alan McCloy will once again be our Rodeo Contractor.  Dates for the rodeo are: 
Wednesday, July 8 - National Barrel Racers day - still to be confirmed!?!?!?
Thursday, July 9 - Slack and Sponsor Appreciation BBQ (Haven't heard if we are having a trail ride - but I am going to assume that we are!!!)
Friday, July 10th - Rodeo, following by Dance at the rodeo grounds.
Saturday, July 11th - Rodeo and all other activities, including Dance at the rodeo grounds
The McCracken Rodeo will be represented at the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Rush Center, Saturday, March 14th with the Antique Fire Truck and little cowboy/cowgirls and will check with both our Princess and Queen to see if an appearance would be possible.
 Those attending were Jerilyn Stull, Ty Elias, Gary Barnes, Colleen Kerns, Roger & Brenda Legleiter, Mark Brackney, Holly Gilbert, Ava North, Shawna North.
Saturday Francis and Roberta Wierman went to George and Marilyn Sommers, Silver Lake.  Sunday guests were Rita Brethowr, Greensboro, North Carolina; Shane, Jill, Ivan and Tessa Brethowr, Olathe; Cindy Wierman, Olathe, Jill Herschback, Kansas City, Missouri.  They celebrated Ivan’s sixth birthday.  Francis and Roberta returned home Monday.
Jim Gray has published a new book on Ellsworth, entitled “Desperate Seed:  Ellsworth, Kansas, on the Violent Frontier”.    If you wish to order a book, the hardbound copy is $35.00 or a soft cover for $25.00.  This includes sales tax and shipping.  Contact Jim Gray at P. O. Box 62, Ellsworth, Kansas 67439 or e-mail him at kansascowboy8@kans.com.  Jim is the publisher of the newspaper Kansas Cowboy and is on the Board of the Smoky Hill Trail Association.
Louise Marvin Burnham, 92, died Thursday, February 26, 2009, at Fremont, Nebraska.  Louise was a 1936 graduate of McCracken High School.  She was a member of the Alumni Association and the Jail/Museum.  She and her daughter Dell donated several items to the museum and last year she was able to come to the museum for a visit.  She is survived by three children, two sons, Larry of North Carolina and Lowell of Chicago and daughter, Dell of Wyoming, sister, Helen Yost.
Congratulations to Thomas and Kristen Hayes, Lawrence, on the birth of a son, Gavin O’Connor Hayes on November 9, 2008.  He joins a sister, Hannah Abigail.  R. B. Hayes is grandfather.
Our sympathy to the Dominican Sisters in Great Bend and the family of Sr. Joel Christopf who died February 26 at the motherhouse.  She was one of the leaders of our Dream group and we will miss her expertise and loving concern.
Aaron McGaughey, Austin McGaughey and Toshiko Kelly took part in the ceremonies of Rite of Sending and Rite of Election on Sunday March 1, 2008 at St. Michael’s in LaCrosse, Holy Trinity in Timken and at the Cathedral in Dodge City.  Attending were Sr. Martina Stegman, Director of RCIA in the Tri-Parish cluster, Linda Calvillo, Rosarie Jecha, Rob and Helena McGaughey, Arline Rues, Carolyn Thompson, Steve Sell, Toshiko Kelly, Michelle Brazda, Father Rene Labrador, Latrista Messer, Austin McGaughey, Aaron, Lesley and Lillian McGaughey, Madonna McGaughey, Chuck and Pat  Heidrick.  Bishop Ronald Gilmore presided over the Rite of Election of Catechumens and the Continuing Call of Conversion of Candidates.  One hundred seventy will become full members of the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil in their respective parishes.
McCracken History Notes
March 1879
The founder of Hays City, William E. Webb, is now running a loan agency in Chicago.
March 1899
Jim Hardwick has been erecting new sheds on the Gaylord Ranch.
Miss Daisy Robertson is taking music lessons from Miss Elizabeth Edwards.
Levi Darkes is making a fine addition to his house on the east.  It is two a story frame.
March 1909
Hays Free Press:  Rush county farmers are buying lots of the small autos for running to town often and quickly, to take in their cream, butter, eggs or produce and get their groceries, the price now being down to $00 and $800.  One agent in Rush county took orders for over $11,000 worth of them during January, every one of them a farmer.
March 1919
County commissioners voted Monday to pay the snow shovelers forty-five cents an hour.
Mabel Twiselton and Lieut. Maurice Craig were married March 8 at the ME Church in Russell.
March 1939
MUCH TOO MUCH:  This sums up the condition of the country today:  Two many highways too many cars, too much poverty, too much wealth, too many people in ill health, two many spending money on gas, too many living beyond their means, too many playing bride for fun, too many that don’t give a damn, too many politicians on big pay, two many taxes, too much spent, too many candidates after the votes.  (Nothing seems to change)
Baseball starts for REN league.  There are twenty McCracken boys out to make Coach Martz’s nine.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bible on the birth of a daughter, Carol Faye, born March 7, 1939, in Hays.
March 1959
Chief Petty Officer, Carl Higgins, received his discharge from the Navy after serving 19 years and 9 months in the Navy.  He and his family will make their home in Seattle, Washington.
Clarence Richardson, McCracken principal, holds the “Sportsmanship Trophy” awarded to the grade school in Rush County exhibiting the greatest degree of true sportsmanship throughout the year’s competition and the county tournament.
March 1979
Shannon McKinney has signed a letter of intent to play football for Garden City Community College.
The prayer study group met at Ransom with Elsie Showalter on Wednesday evening.  Others attending were Arlene Gilbert, Marjorie Irvin, Susan Walker, Adelaide Mills, Sharon Bearley and Lorraine Norlin.

©2009, McCracken Alumni Association
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