March 2, 2006 news
Congratulations to Lucille Crotinger on her 90th birthday, March 8. The family is having a card shower for her. Her address is Lucille Crotinger, 601 E. Main, Room 100, Pretty Prairie, KS 67057.
Those attending the Encore Series program, "The Bobs" at Fort Hays State University on Tuesday were Francis & Julia Zeller, John & Janice Stull, Norma Leiker, Sharon Irvin, Carol Weber, Carolyn Thompson and Austin McGaughey..
Shannon Keith and eight other members of her recreational basketball team enjoyed success in their season. Shannon was a Monday guest of her grandmother, Carolyn Thompson.
McCracken History Notes
March 1906
H. R. Roller and John Rixon have petitioned the post office department for a rural route to run east of here, north and thence west back to town -- in all about twenty five mile route.
March 1936
The farm house of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCormick burned to the ground early Friday morning. There was nothing saved but a little bedding. The origin of the fire is unknown.
Alexander will host the State Class "B" Elimination basketball tournament held March 5, 6 and 7th. The twelve teams entered are Ness City, Utica, Bazine, Ransom, Arnold, Brownell, Schoenchen, Bison, Otis, McCracken Burdett and Alexander. Tickets for all 12 games are $1 for adults, 60 cents for students.
March 1946
McCracken High School took first place in the Class B District basketball meet at Ransom Friday, climaxing an undefeated season with a 35 to 29 win over Ransom. Team members were Higgins, Unrein, Glenn Conner, Thompson and Guy Conner. The team will take part in the regional tournament being held at Hays March 6-9.
March 1956
Pat Keener and Floyd Thompson are students at Fort Hays University.
Mrs. Carl Bible entertained with a birthday supper in honor of Carol Faye's birthday. Those present were Judy Whitis, Melissa House, Janice Myers, Karen Walker, Arlene and Marlene Wilson, Joyce Showalter, Peggy Harper, Alberta Anderson, Carla and Reva Rodeman, Donna Knight, Pat Ryan, Jodene Dawson, Faye Smith.
March 1966
At Ransom, over 80 percent of the voters in USD 302 turned out Friday to approve a $700,000 bond issue for a new high school building.
Thirteen year old Jay Georg has been granted a junior membership in the American Angus Association at St. Joseph, Missouri.
March 1976
The McCracken Mustangs pulled out a narrow 71-69 win over the Ransom Longhorns in the Class l-A Regional Tournament at Ransom. The Mustangs will face Stafford in sub-state at St. Mary of the Plains on March 5. McCracken's record is 17-2.
March 1986
Bryan Bergquist and Billy Harp were first place winners in the District Knights of Columbus free throw contest.
Norma Elmore received her B. S. in Education at Kansas University at the end of the fall semester.
Those receiving l's at the grade school music festival were clarinet trio; Treva Wilson, flute; David Moran, sax; Melissa Morgan, clarinet; Tracy Smith, alto clarinet; Bryan Bergquist, trumpet; trumpet quartet; low brass trio; and Melissa Morgan, piano.
March 1996
Members of the West Side Winners 4-H Club, Emily Rogers, Michael and Allan Morgan, Lance and Kayla Irvin, attended the 4-H Day at Otis. The received a top blue for Model Meeting.
Nicole Moran, a member of the Fort Hays Jazz Band, performed at the KMEA at Wichita on Saturday.
Jeremy Higgins, Lyons, is a member of the Junior High Wrestling team. He is the son of Doug and Mary Higgins.