RCNews March 1

Marty and Tina Mills provided a beautiful birthday cake and ice cream for Addie Mills’ birthday last week.
Hoop and Twila Higgins went to Lakin Friday for a basketball game of Cody’s. It was also senior recognition night. The Lakin High School senior class was presented the Governor’s Award, one of 18 schools in the state to receive this award.
Tyrel Reed, Burlington, Kansas, the winningest player in Kansas University basketball history, was at Dillons last Saturday for a book signing and visits with fans. Addie Mills was among the many people who were there. Addie also visited with Evelyn Horlick-Nickel and Jack Klee while in Hays.
Roy and Phyllis Conrad along with Albert and Alouise Zordel attended the Kansas Winter Q BBQ cook off in Great Bend on Saturday. Chris Zordel, Spearville, of “Small What’s Cook’n” was one of the 60 who participated in the cook off. While waiting for the judging a couple sat down next to Roy and Phyllis and struck-up a conversation. The gentleman asked where we were from and we said McCracken. Then he asked where McCracken was and so we proceeded to tell him about McCracken and with a grin on his face he said his wife was from around the McCracken area. Come to find out it was Allen and Betty Moran Burkhart from Wright, Kansas. They were there to compete in the cook off. Their logo is “Outlaw Barbeque”. After all was said and done, Allen was pulling our leg about where McCracken was.
Ron and Ruth Crawshaw attended the Ellis High School girl’s basketball game in Hill City Monday night, the first games of girl’s sub-state playoffs.
Rose and Les Diehl spent the weekend at their home in McCracken. Joining them were Richard and Nancy Baker, Topeka.
Our Kansas City friends came Friday evening and stayed at their home on West Beech this weekend, Jay, Clinton, Paul and Jerry and Pam, Timken. They were joined at Boondocks by Chuck Higgins, Howard and Brenda Boese and four friends from LaCrosse, Bryan, Kellye, Sandy and Don.
Thanks to everyone that came out Saturday to the All-You-Can-Eat Hot
Dogs/Bingo event at the McCracken Community Center.  We had a great time
and raised about $140 to go towards repairs on the community center's
heater. Special thanks to Carol Weber for all her hard work on these events
and Austin McGaughey for helping serve and call bingo. Thanks to Kerri
Morgan for chopping those onions. Mark your calendars for March 31st, and plan to join us for an All-You-Can-Eat Pizza and Bingo event.  To those unable to attend this event, an offering for these repairs is NEVER too late. We really need to keep our Commuinity Building ‘repair free’.
McCracken Sports History
May 1915
The first game of the season was played between McCracken and LaCrosse Wednesday. The home line up was Harry Seiling, catcher; Leon Lovitt pitcher; Ivy Irvin, short stop; Glenn Ryan, first base; Ralph Stephens, second base; Claude Stephens, third base; Lyle Farwell, Ralph Lovitt, Will Metz and Bryan Start, fielders. The clubs of the county will not maintain an organization this year, but each town has a well organized club and the usual good ball will be put up by the clubs in every town. The tally Wednesday stood McCracken 10, LaCrosse 11.
November 1915 McCracken 0 – Ness City 3
The McCracken football team went to Ness City Monday and were defeated by Referee Fast who declared a field goal which missed the goal post at least a foot, this being admitted by nearly all of the Ness City players and spectators. The home boys were outplayed from the start but Ness City was never able to get inside of their 20 yard line. The only chance was when Lovitt attempted a field goal from the Ness City 20 yard line, the kick being nearly a duplicate of the one kicked by Dickerson but Referee Fast, who by the way in foot ball matters is traveling on his brother’s reputation---a second string tackle on the K.U. squad---declared no goal.
Birthdays:  March 1, Blake Herdman, Ruby Myers, Sharon Anderson, Victoria Unrein; March 2, Lonnie Irvin, Ken Thompson, Amanda Showalter, Anita Butler, Barbara Casey, Donnie Wittman, Anita Pfannenstiel, Carole Herdman, Landon Janke; March 3, Kerri Morgan, Evan Dale, Maureen George, McKaylee Day, Taylor Biesner; March 4, Connie Stewart, Dallas Schneider; March 5, Dight House, Emma Casey, Justin Herdman, Rogers Baldwin, Sandra Jacobs; March 6, Tom Chestnut, Sarena Higgins, Michael Greenway, Grayson Hampton; March 7, Ron Rein, Shirley Higgins.
Anniversaries:  March 2, Doug and Kathleen Whitis; March 3, Reggie and Brenda Irvin; March 5, Arlene and Shannon Schmidt.
We just received the word that Mildred B. Stout, age 94, died September 5, 2010 at Spokane, Washington.  She and her husband Kemble A. Stout lived in Pullman, Washington for 54 years.  Mildred was born November 22, 1915, in Chillicothe, Missouri, the child of Henry and Evelyn Hicks Boehner.  She and Kemble graduated from Northeast Missouri State Teachers College (now Truman State University).  They married September 5, 1937 in Chillicothe.  Kemble was a professor of music at Washington State College/University for 34 years and department chair for 16.  She became interested in genealogy and traveled the United States and Europe to research her ancestry.  She wrote the 500 page book "More Ryan Roots". All the Ryans of McCracken area are included in the book.  Copies of that book are at McCracken Public Library and the Jail/Museum. Copies are available for purchase.  The Museum also houses her large collection of research.  The research takes up two file cabinets and a large book shelf. She also wrote the Hicks genealogy which is also available at the Library and Museum.  She is survived by daughters, Diana Yates of Portlant, Oregon; Christie Bruntlett of Cheney, Washington and a son, Barrett Kindler Stout of Ashland, Oregon; eight grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren.  Kemble preceded her in death.
Kevin Pham, son of Hung and Tran Pham of Hays, played percussion for the Hays High Madrigal Singers who performed at KMEA (Kansas Music Educators Association) at Wichita this past weekend.
Don Barber is now barbering at Desbein Design Salon in Hays.  Don is a native of Brownell and has sung many years for the Barbershoppers.
We received a family picture of Shane and Jennifer Anderson and family.  They had it taken on the occasion of Donny Anderson's first birthday. Donny has bright red hair like his mother.  Also pictured are his brothers, Robby and Kevin.  They are at home in Great Falls, Montana, where Shane is stationed in the Air Force.
Kansas Questions:
1.  What famous cemetery is located on a hill in Dodge City?
2.  Where is Mount Oread located?
3.  The last Indian raid was located where?
4.  The Beecher Bible and Rifle Church is located where?
5.  Where is the largest ball of twine located?
A large crowd attended the Workshop on E-Readers (Kindles and Nooks) on Thursday evening at McCracken Public Library conducted by Charmaine and Bob Wolfe.
Another session is planned.  More later.
The In Memorium at the Academy Awards on Sunday evening included Polly Platt.  Polly was the Production Designer for the movie "Paper Moon" when it was filmed in Rush County and other towns in Kansas.
1.  Boot Hill
2.  On the University of Kansas campus
3.  Oberlin - Decatur County
4.  Wabaunsee
5.  Cawker City

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