February 26, 2015 News
Birthdays: February 26, Nicole Kirk; February 27, Chris Casey, Malinda Anderson, Lacey Elmore, Jaden Shelit; February 28, Kenneth Higdon, Sheila Hinman, Terry Miller; February 29, Mike Wiebe; March 1, Blake Herdman, Sharon Anderson, Victoria Unrein; March 2, Amanda Showalter, Anita Butler, Barbara Casey, Donnie Wittman, Anita Pfannenstiel, Carole Herdman, Landon Janke; March 3, Kerri Morgan, Maureen Georg, Evan Dale, McKayla Day, Taylor Biesner; March 4, Connie Stewart, Dallas Schneider.
Anniversaries: March 2, Doug and Kathleen Whitis; March 3, Reggie and Brenda Irvin.
The final Bleeding Kansas Series will be held Sunday, March 1, at Constitution Hall in Lecompton at 2 p.m. It is John Brown's Money Man: George Luther Stearns, Abolitionist. The presentation will be given by Dr. Charles E. Heller, author and historian. He will sign copies of his book after the presentation, which will be available for purchase the day of the event.
The 1953 McCracken Telephone Directory continued: Mrs. Clara Haas, John Hanson, Frank Hardwick, Bill Harper, Paul Healy, Chas. Herdman, Oliver Herdman, A. A. Herman, Mrs. Teresa Higgins, Vincent Higgins, Wendell Hinman, O. C. Hoch, Mrs. Maude Hoffer, Eleanor Holdgate, McCracken Hotel, McCracken Toll Box at Hotel, Kenneth House, Bob Huber, Humburg Lumber and Grain, Virgil Huxol; Beverly C. Irvin, Ches Irvin, Claude Irvin, Dean Irvin, Mrs. Etta Irvin, Ivy Irvin, Harley Irvin, Raleigh Irvin, Ray Irvin, Wm. Irvin; Alvin Janke, Robert Janke, Fay Jennings, P. J. Jennings, Theo Jennings, Russel Jones, Mrs. Emma Joseph, K.T. Service, Richard Kessler, Chas Kinnamon, Julius Klaus, J. J. Klee, Joe Klee, Patrick Klee, Klema Grocery and Locker Service, Dell Klema, Alex Koerner, Lester Kuhn; Melvin Littler, Chas Lovitt, Bill Lovitt, Robert Lovitt, Lubri Gel; Ben MCaskey, Frank McCormick, James McCormick, John P. McCormick, Marie McCormick, Mrs. Mayme McCormick, Jesse McFarren, Frank McGaughey, Mrs. Mary McGaughey, O. E. McKittrick, P. F. McKittrick; August Marak, Thomas Meehan, A. S. Metz, George Myers, Meyer Hardware, Kenneth Miller, Kenneth Mills, R. G. Mills, Moran Investments, J. P. Moran, W.P. Moran, Everett Moses, Mrs. Faye Muller; Nekoma Tele. Office, Ed Nickol, Albert Norlin, Avery Norlin, Violet Norlin, Norlins Store, Ada C. North, Albert North, Arthur North, G. N. North, F. H. Oelkers, John B. Oelkers, Lawrence Oelkers, O'Loughlin Chevrolet, Merle O'Loughlin, J. P. Pauley, Oliver Pearson, Robert Peters Trucking, Clarence Pfieffer, Donald Petz, Edward Pugh. To be continued
Evelyn Cosby and Addie Mills enjoyed supper at Tracy's last Tuesday evening for Addie's birthday.
We have had ten of the McCracken History Book Volume 1 1887-1963 reprinted. If you know of someone who wanted one, let us know and we will hold one for them. We are indebted to Mary Ann Tanking for arranging with a printer in Salina to re-produce them. They will be $25.00 plus postage.
Addie Mills was the guest of honor at Long Term Care for birthday cake and punch last Wednesday.
4th grader Bryce Conner, son of Mitchell and Nikki Conner played for The Ballers, a 5th grade Hays Rec basketball team in Hays. The team went undefeated this year winning 9 games. Congratulations.
Teresa Lovitt is coach for an 8th grade traveling volleyball team in Dodge City. Saturday they played in Hutchinson where she was an overnight guest of Jerry and Jodi Higgins.
Colby Stull, a 5th grader and son of Mike and Jerilyn Stull, played for the Avengers, a Rec basketball team in Hays. Their record was 4-2.
Brad Lovitt, Phoenix, visited with his parents, Bill and Sharon Lovitt over the weekend. He had to drive back Monday, all flights were taken.
Billie and James Slemp hosted a birthday dinner for Jean Schutte, Wilfrid and Twila Higgins, Jim and Lisa Benteman.
Jerry Higgins spent the weekend in Manhattan with Tanner Higgins, it was dads weekend.
1970 History notes
Charles Ong is the new mathematics teacher replacing R.M. Diz Washaliski, who has resigned.
Valandia Derr enrolled in the Salt City Business College at Hutchinson last Monday.
MHS Mustangs captured the championship honors in the South 50-6 League Tournament finals Friday by defeating top-seeded Utica 50-35.
The McCracken Colts 7th grade team defeated Sacred Heart of Ness City 48-40 to take first in Qua Valley Tournament. Their record is 9-2. Donald Casey scored 20 points. The 8th graders took 3rd defeating Ellis 57-39. Danny Conner scored 28 points. Their record is also 9-2.
Patty Littler and Myron Schuckman were the Valentine Queen and King at the dance held on Friday. Other candidates were Marilyn Wierman, Russell Peters, Cheryl Casey, Gary Boese, Lorrie Morgan and Lonnie Irvin.
MHS Girls basketball team members are: Laura Hinman, Maureen Janke, Leanne Morgan, Cathie Ryan, Lorrie Morgan, Louise Rourke, Lynne Hinman and Becky McMullen. Their coach is Peggy Crawford. The stage band played for a dance at the grade school auditorium Saturday evening with parents and friends as guests. Band members are Floyd Norlin, Carolyn Stremel, Rodney Taylor, Patty Littler, Frank Foster, Don Johnston, Craig Wendler, Larry Higgins, Donna Davis, Keith Higgins, Leanne Morgan, Mike Legleiter, Maureen Janke and Danny Mills.
Patricia Foos was chosen as third runner-up in the Miss Fort Hays pageant.
MHS track team included Kent Bible, Craig Wendler, Jerry Schutte, Chuck Halbleib, Danny McFarren, Greg Buster, Mark Derr, Keith Higgins, Mike Legleiter, and Coach Dudley Fryman.