RCNews Feb 23

We are grateful that Mitchell Jacobs quit taking Rolaids and went to Hays Medical Center on Friday morning. He had a stint inserted in his heart and returned home Saturday.
A 75th surprise birthday get-to-gather was held for Priscilla Jacobs at Charlie’s Service Station last Saturday afternoon. Those attending were Neal and Amy Jacobs, Tessa Jacobs, Mitchell Jacobs, Terrie Lassater, Jaden and Jenna Jacobs. Amy worked her ‘magic’ with decorations, streamers, birthday cake and the works!
Inez Manos has moved from Wichita to the Rush County Nursing Home. The address is RCNH 701 West 6th. We know she would appreciate hearing from you. She will soon be getting a phone in her room.
Debra Rogers and Kerri Morgan were last week Friday overnight guests of Dave and Carolyn Davenport in Hutchinson. They left the next morning from Wichita for Mission, Texas where they along with Gerald and Edna Walker, Nita Caviness, Joanne Micheli, Larry and Donna Clark helped Pat Derr celebrate her 80th birthday.  They returned home Thursday.
Pat Schneider died recently in Wakeeney. She was a sister of Charlie Smith, a 1957 graduate of McCracken who lived with Francis and Julia Zeller while attending school. He now lives in Norman, Oklahoma.
The Hutchinson High School girl’s freshman team is undefeated so far this season. They defeated Haysville on Saturday 45-43 in the freshman tournament in Newton.  Jenna Higgins, a member of the team, was unable to play Friday and Saturday due to an ankle sprain warming up before the game on Friday night.
Carolyn and Dave Davenport, Hutchinson were week-end guests of Travis, Tina, Katie, and Tanner Elias, Colby. Katie is a sophmore and plays basketball for the Colby Eagles and played against Ulysess on Friday night. Also, attending the game were Dennis, Jeannie, and Marge Elias, McCracken.

Richard Showalter, Austin McGaughey and Nicole Ryan attended the George Strait, Martina McBride concert in Wichita Saturday night.
Please come join us for All-You-Can-Eat Hot Dogs, $2, with all the fixings and Bingo ($5 for 3 cards) on Saturday at 6:30 pm, Feb 25th, at the McCracken Community Building.  This fundraiser will go toward costs to repair the heater in the McCracken Community Building.  Our fundraiser for the McCracken Beautification Committee will be rescheduled in the very near future. The January Sundae/Bingo night was a great success and so much fun - bring a friend to double the fun!  Thanks
Dave and Carolyn Davenport spent last week-end in Kansas City celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Donnie Schuckman, LaCrosse, and Brenda Girard, Hays celebrated with them.
Carolyn and Dave Davenport, Hutchinson were week-end guests of Travis, Tina, Katie, and Tanner Elias, Colby. Katie is a sophomore and plays basketball for the Colby Eagles and played against Ulysses on Friday night. Also, attending the game were Dennis, Jeannie, and Marge Elias, McCracken. Dave and Carolyn Davenport were Saturday afternoon guests of Tina, Ty, and Quintin.

Midge Davenport was a patient at the Promise Regional Hospital in Hutchinson recently.
Coming soon to a front yard near you or your very own………****FUND**** raising event by the McCracken Mustangs Relay for Life Team. Be on the lookout!!
Birthdays:  February 23, Lynn Hinman, Roger McNair, Tonya Hinman, Sheryl McCaskey, Leslie Gilbert Sager, Maria Albright; Febuary 25, Betty Keener; February 26, Nicole Kirk; February 27, Chris Casey, Malinda Anderson, Carl Hovey, Lacey Elmore, Jaden Shelit; February 28, Kenneth Higdon, Sheila Hinman, Terry Miller; February 29, Mike Wiebe.  No Anniversaries.
Thursday, February 23 at 7:00 P.M. McCracken Public Library - "How to use an E-reader (Kindles and Nooks)" Charmaine Wolfe instructor.  Everyone welcome.
The final program on Bleeding Kansas 2012 is "Teaching the Civil War in the 21st Century" by Paul Stuewe, educator, author and executive committee board member, Kansas Historical Foundation.  It will be held on Sunday, February 26 at 2:00 p.m. at Constitution Hall in Lecompton.
Dan, Kim and Jacob Townsend were here on Saturday to visit Bet and Jeanette McCormick.
In the February 15, 2012 Hays Daily News there were pictures of  Ron Pfannenstiel of Schoenchen, father of Glen Pfannenstiel of McCracken, working on the new storefront at the Oddfellows building renovation on Main Street in downtown Hays.  Also pictured was Travis Gruna of McCracken, a laborer with Dinkel Masonry and GAP Construction.
Susan Keith and Carolyn Thompson got to visit Penny Schuckman on an I-pad on Sunday afternoon.  She was spending the weekend in Phoenix.  Modern technology is amazing.
Eugene and Betty Ryan of Scott City visited the McCracken Public Library, American Legion building and the McCracken City Cemetery on Friday afternoon.  They were searching information about Paul Lloyd West.  He is the West that West-Burch American Legion of McCracken is named for from World War 1.   They brought with them letters from those who served with Paul.  The Colonel of the 139th Infantry, Carl L. Ristine wrote to Paul's mother, Mrs. Mary E. West, he said, "Your son was a splendid young man and an exceptionally good soldier.  I sincerly regret that our victory in the Argonne cost us the lives of so many of our young men."   He was wounded during a heavy enemy barrage.  He died before he reached the evacation hospital.  The letters will be placed in the Jail/Museum.
Ben Thompson returned home from Washington, D. C. on Saturday.  Eric Scriven and Deb Gaunt picked him up at the bus station in Hays.
Kansas History Questions:
1.  What did Zebulon M. Pike and Major Stephen Long label Kansas?
2.  The largest cellophane plant in the United States is located in what Kansas town?
3.  Where is the largest Indian school in the U. S.?
4. Who was Lawrence named after?
5.  What town is known for a treaty signed with the Osage Indians for Santa Fe Trail right of way?
Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith and Carolyn Thompson attended the baptism for Devan Thomas Dennis, son of David and Cathy Dennis, at Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Wichita on Sunday.  A luncheon was held at the home of David and Janet Dennis.  On Saturday the Keiths and Carolyn were in Wellington for a visit and meal with Kenneth Keith, Kevin and Ruth Bante.  They also visited with Robert Keith.
1.  The Great American Dessert
2.  Topeka - owned by DuPont
3.  Lawrence - Haskell Indian Junior College
4.  Amos Lawrence
5.  Council Grove
May 1905
The Fairview nine played the McCracken nine here Tuesday afternoon. The game was well contested by both sides, considering the fact that the clubs were composed of young fellows, many of whom were under eighteen. The line up for McCracken was Wilbur Coffman, C. Stevens, S. Yawger, M. Juvenal, P. Stevens, O. Coffman, E. Prior, R.McKnight, B. VanWinkle. The line up for Fairview was Fred Freeman, George Ree, Oscar Elias, Billy Metz, Clare Brewer, Cal West, Ral West, Henry Ree, C. Albright. The game stood 8 to 11 for McCracken.
Nov 1906 Thanksgiving Day a game of football was played between the married men and the single men. Line-up for the married men were Lander Davenport, John Lovitt, Carl Rose, Elmer Starrett, Hudson Starrett, Dan Hunt, Leonard Ryan and Roy Cutler. Single men's line-up: Paul Warden, Ed Prior, Burt Neal, Frank Irvin, Claude Starrett, Ralph Starrett, Clark Reed, Willie Grumbein, Frank Hicks, and Mark Cutler. The game was warmly contested but resulted in no real advantage for either side as neither scored.

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