RCNews Feb 18
Tomi, Emma, and Kate Rues took a road trip last weekend to Wichita to attend Equifest. They met some friends there and Tomi's mom, June Rocky, came for the day on Saturday. They had a great time, but were anxious to get home on Valentine's Day to see dad, Will, and Shelby. Also, they enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by Tony.
On Saturday Roy & Phyllis Conrad and Albert and Lousie Zordel, Ransom
attended the 2010 Kansas Winter Q Barbeque at Great Bend. Chris Zordel of
Spearville was one of 60 barbque contestants that participated.
Barbeque Contestants came from Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma
and South Dakota. Chris placed 1st in brisket and 6th overall in the
competition. He competed with 15 of the 20 top Kansas City
Barbeque Society members that were at Great Bend on Saturday.
Jenna Higgins Hutch Middle School 7 basketball team finished the season with a 12-3 record and they won their league tournament beating Maize South MS in the championship game. Jenna led the team in scoring for the year.
You know Boondocks Café has very good food when a couple drives from Topeka to McCracken so they could celebrate Valentines Day by eating there Saturday evening. It was noticed that there were 20 vehicles on the east side of main and 13 on the west side Saturday evening.
We have received word that Howard Higgins died this week. Hopefully we will have more details later.
Brad Lovitt, his friend Lori and his black Lab Buddy were guests of his parents Bill and Sharon Lovitt the first of the week.
Thayne and Machree Jones attended a reception for Lawrence Oelkers 85th birthday at the VFW in Hays on Saturday, February 6. Galen Oelkers, Athens, Georgia, also came to celebrate his uncles birthday.
James K. Wierman has donated two calendars to the Jail/Museum. One is from St. Marys Catholic Church for 1981, Father Rory ONeill, priest and a 1967 calendar from The Robinson Milling Company of Brownell, Kansas, managed by Chet Ricks.
Bleeding Kansas 2010 - Sunday, February 21, Jayhawkers: The Civil War Brigade of James H. Lane by Bryce Benedict, author and historian (book signing to follow talk) Lecompton - 2:00 p.m. Admission free
Sheila Brown is on the Deans Honor List at Barton County Community College.
Steve and Lesley Hess, Hays, were guests of Frank and Julia Zeller at Boondocks. Joining them were Les and Rose Diehl, Arline Rues, Tony and Willie Rues and Shelby Bowers. Francis went to school at Fort Hays with Lesleys mother, the late Dorothy Tilly. Her dad the late Harry Phelps was an attorney in Logan County for 30 years.
Jeff Fouquet, in cooperation with his friend Kris Munsch, is involved in presenting a program called the Birdhouse Project for Healing. They have a book entitled The Birdhouse Project: Healing through the Collaboration of the Heart, Mind and Hands. It arose out of the death of Munschs 16 year-old-son, Blake, who died in a car accident four years ago. By using your hands in building a birdhouse, it helps heal from some type of crisis. They recently were in Ness City and presented their birdhouse project to the 7th and 8th grade students at the public and Catholic schools as well as to the high school students from Ness City and Western Plains. The supplies for building a birdhouse comes with their book. Jeff is the son of Sharon Parsons Fouquet and grandson of Doneta Parsons.
There was a nice article and picture of Eric and Melissa Davis in the Hays paper regarding Boondocks.
Congratulations to Aaron and Lesley McGaughey on the birth of a son, Jackson Aaron on February 11, 2010.
Whitney Taylor was honored at the Fort Hays game on Saturday February 13 as an academic athlete.
Nolan Cromwell, who was an outstanding athlete in high school at Ransom, has been hired by the St. Louis Rams to coach wide receivers. This is his 17th season as an NFL coach. He was an offensive coordinator at Texas A & M the last two seasons.
Clyde Bryant, 91, died February 13, 2010, at LaCrosse. He was born in Alexander on June 23, 1918 the son of Alfred Clyde and Fern Hatfield Bryant. He married Juanita Marie Schultz in 1939. He was a farmer/rancher. He is survived by a daughter, Nancy Jones and a son, Bruce Wayne Bryant, six grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Burial was in the LaCrosse City Cemetery.
McCracken History Notes
February 1910
Pat, Alex and James McCormick and Miss Mamie McCormick were in Hoisington Saturday night to attend a banquet and installation of a lodge of Knights of Columbus. They say they had a most pleasant time.
A. J. Wierman, Miss Pearl Washaliski, Leo Ferris, Ed Grumbein, George Nickel and Tom Nickel took the examination here Saturday for census enumerators. Out of this number the enumerators for Fairview, Hampton, Bazine and Waring townships will be taken.
February 1920
Mr. W. H. Tomlinson has replaced Mr. Brock as vice-president of Citizens Bank. They will make their home temporarily at the Hotel Nash.
Cal Wilson is putting up a fire escape on the Norlin building.
February 1940
The first troop committee of the Girl Scouts was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. R. Elmore, Marceline Moran and Marjorie Norlin were selected as assistant leaders. There are 25 members. Officers for this month are Jackie Juvenal, Peggy Shiney and Emma Rose Showalter.
Marceline Moran is working at the Nekoma State Bank.
February 1960
Mr. and Mrs. Audice Thompson and Floyd moved the first of the week into their home which they purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Earl Turner.
Melissa House is a student at Sterling College.
February 1980
Kansas will have a presidential preference primary on April 1.
Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Robison from Montana were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Ryan.