February 17, 2016 News
Birthdays: February 17, Tom Rues, Abigail North; February 18, Carl Legleiter; February 19, Greg Buster, James Slemp; February 20, George Hunter, Dustin Albright; February 21, Kirk Herdman; February 22, Doug Whitis, February 23, Lynne Hinman, Tonya Hinman, Sheryl McCaskey, Leslie Sager, Maria Albright.
No anniversaries:
The Bleeding Kansas Series at Lecompton on Sunday, February 21 at 2:00 p.m. will feature Free State Families of Kanwaka: Profile of the 1855 Ohio Immigrant Party. The speakers are Monica Davis, research volunteer of the Watkins Museum of History and Matilda Barber portrayed by Jan Elder, Lecompton reenactor, National Park Service living history interpreter.
Kansas trivia:
The leader of the first European expedition into the Kansas region was Coronado.
The State of Kansas was admitted to the union in 1861becoming the 34th State
.A fervent prohibitionist in the 1890's was Carrie Nation.
The first express mail service began in 1860 was called the Pony Express.
The Helianthus or wild native sunflower was adopted in 1903 as the official state flower.
A famous abolitionist active in Kansas in 1856 was John Brown.
In the "Bullock history book there is a connection to Abraham Lincoln. This history book starts back to Captain Sir Hugh Bullock, Essex, England who died Nov 2, 1650. Roy Conrads Aunt Evelyn Bolinger gave Roy and Phyllis a copy. These are the exact words from the book. "Maria Todd, daughter of General Levi Todd, and wife of Waller Bullock-Born October 1788; died November 2, 1861.
NOTE: Maria Todd was an aunt to Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, and lived in Mrs. Lincoln's girlhood home in Lexington, Kentucky after the death of Mrs. Lincoln's mother. Lincoln called her "Aunt Maria B." in a letter quoted in Lincoln and his wife home town book. This book has a number of interesting references to the Bullocks of Lexington. Maria Todd was the second wife of Waller Bullock. When Wingfield Minor Bullock was a young child, he came in contact with a number of famous lawyers who practiced at Versailles and among them was Abraham Lincoln, who boarded at the Thomas Bullock's home while practicing at Versailles. Waller Bullock and Wingfield Bullock were brothers.
Martin and Mary Higgins spent the weekend at their home in McCracken. They visited with Les and Rose Dieh who were also in McCracken and Linda Dale and Mark McCormick at last count live in McCracken!!
Don and Jaylen Dirkson, Wichita, parents of Ann Baus visited with them this weekend and watched two basketball games in which their granddaughter, Oliva, was a player. They also stopped in Second Chance on Friday where I got to visit with them.
Congrats to Jared Casey, son of Karen and Jerry Casey, won the Phillipsburg Junior High Panther Classic Sunday in wrestling.
I think the Alexander School had some replaced windows stolen......I hope whoever did this dastardly act gets caught and tarred and feathered!! How much fun is it to steal from something that is taking time, effort, $$, dedication etc. Mercy!! Go find a job!!!
Jerry officiated a middle school 8th grade girls game Saturday, Darcy Poland was coach. Tammy suggested a T like Calipari received before 3 minutes were gone in the game.
Melissa, do you think this ok to put in the news? I tried to call Brad Penka but he didnt answer. I think it is terrible. Also 3 windows were broken plus the 12 stolen. Maybe he will call me back and it he doesnt want it in I will call. Not much news.....
1974 History Notes
The wheat is averaging about 20 bushels an acre in the McCracken area, the market is $3.90. Brownell American Legion baseball members are Bill Lovitt and Doug Higgins, coaches, Jim Kenworthy, Greg Hinman, Dan Conner, Terry Weeks, Mike Conner, Jerry Higgins, Glen Ryan, Daryl Casey, Norbert Flax, John Walker, Rob Giess, Stave Foreman, Scott Kershner and Brad Lovitt, bat boy. They participatedin the Class B State Baseball Tournament in Seneca where they beat Lindsborg 10-7 and lost to Salina in the semi-finals. Donna Greenway placed in the discus at the Kansas Junior Olympics in Manhattan. Rodney Taylor is on the honor at St. Mary of the Plains in Dodge City. Raymond and Marty Mills have been harvesting with the Ralph Pfaff crew. The Cookie baseball team won over Ness City 18-4 with Mark McCormick and Jerry Casey having three hits each; Layne Morgan had three hits and a homer; Les Rogers had two home runs. MHS cheerleaders Sally Buster, Nancy Higgins, Rosemary Rues and Linda Sloan attended cheerleading camp at Salina last week and placed third in the final competition. Lorraine Ryan has been elected president of the school board. The board approved 9 cents a mile for those parents who are required to transport their own children to school. Shack Stephens and Harry Phillips are living in the LaCrosse rest home. McCrackens Cookie team won the Regional Tournament in Ellis with wins over Quinter, 10-5 and Plainville 9-2. Tom Rues made a spectacular catch in right field diving for the ball to choke off a rally by Plainville in the championship game. MHS has an enrollment of 62; grade school 55 and Alexander grade 53. Total USD 395 is 719. The Cookie team was State champions at Lucas defeating Plainville 4-0 in the Championship game. Chuck Higgins pitched a no hitter striking out 12. Members are Craig Stull, Dale Elias, Jeff McCormick, Tom Rues Kellye Irvin, Shannon McKinney, Joe Conner, Jerry Casey, Layne Morgan, Bruce Davis, Mark McCormick, Leslie Rogers, Chuck Higgins and Coaches Chet Irvin and Jim Schafer. Bat boy, Tony Rues. A dinner was catered by the McCracken Hotel for the teachers and spouses of Alexander and McCracken schools. Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Ryan; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buster, Mr. and Mrs. LeeRoy Schuckman. Entertainment was by Galen Schmidtberger. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Elias celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a dance at LaCrosse. New teachers for MHS are Richard Billinger, English and Speech; Cheryl Lamer, Librarian; Galen Schmidtberger, Junior High coach; Patsy Snyder Business and Donald Urban, Music.