February 15, 2007 News
Congratulations to Michael Morgan and Jeridy Dirks who were married Saturday, February 10 at the United Methodist Church in LaCrosse.  Michael is the son of Layne and Kerri Derr Morgan.
Mark McCormick, his daughter Hanna and son Luke attended the program on the Lecompton Constitution at Lecompton on Sunday. Hanna is studying Territorial Kansas in school, so this was a nice opportunity to see Constitution Hall, the 150-year-old constitution and listen to the lecture on territorial Kansas by scholar, Brian Matthew Jordan, from Gettysburg College.
Carol Weber is taking square dance lessons in Hays at the Reed Center.  She attended her first dance on Sunday at Roosevelt School.
Frances Janke will have carotid artery surgery on February 19 at Hays.

Try out this excellent website for history of the West:  http://wildwestblogcom.blogspot.com/ 
Doug Higgins, Lyons, had a stent put in an artery of his heart at the Hutchinson Hospital recently.  He is doing fine.
Those attending the dinner and show “Paper Moon” at the Fox Pavilion in Hays on Friday evening were Spencer and Leslie Hess, Les and Rose Diehl, Tony and Tomi Rues, John and Melanie Zeller, Francis and Julia Zeller, Sr. Martina Stegman, Mary Ann Randa, Lucy Dechant, Viola Depperschmidt, Judy Hoffman, Carolyn Thompson, Al and Judy Hugh, Galen Allen, Nancy Bates, Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith.
Arline Rues called Monday and said she had cataract surgery.  She will have two new eyes and may not need glasses any longer.
Those helping Bill Moran celebrate his 76th birthday were Marie and Leroy Reifschneider, Jason Moran, Michele Moran, Marge Moran and Clark and Nicole Kirk.  The group played cards after the noon luncheon.  We are pleased to report that Bill has returned home.  Clark and Nicole spent the weekend.
For those of you who live in West Wichita, Carolyn’s brother, David Dennis, is running for the Wichita City Commission.  Check out his website at dtdennis.com.  The primary is coming up.
I had a nice call from Father Eugene Kenny.  He was calling to wish good health to Shirley Higgins who had colon surgery on Thursday.
The program at Lecompton on Sunday, February 18, will be “Just Like Missouri:  The Bogus Legislature’s Plan for Kansas”.  The admission is free and the program begins at 2:00 p.m.
Marge Moran, Nicole Kirk and Michele Moran attended the bridal shower for Kelly Schmidt on Sunday afternoon.
Nathan Felder, sophomore, son of Mike and Rita Felder, is part of the wrestling team at TMP in Hays.  He also plays in the band.
McCracken History Notes
February 1907
“When the brethren send me to Congress”, remarks the Osborne Farmer’s Village Deacon, “I am going to introduce a bill compelling the Kansas City jug house to label the liquor they send out here.  It must be ‘fighting’, ‘singing’ or ‘crying’. Nine-tenths of the trouble is caused by fellas getting hold of the wrong brand.”
Mrs. Lula Rose died Monday and was buried at the Ramsey Cemetery.  She was born in Porter County, Indiana, in 1883 and was united in marriage to Columbus J. Rose in 1906.
February 1937
A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davenport at the Baker Hospital in LaCrosse Saturday night.
A strong wind has been blowing here most of the week and it seems that the only way to save the wheat crop is to work the ground.
Mrs. Hattie Nash, who has been visiting in Price, Utah, will return February 20 to take charge of the Nash Hotel.
February 1947
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Schutte have moved to the Honderick farm in northeast Rush County.  They recently returned from Manhattan where Schutte had been attending Kanas State College.
Mrs. Rosa Sehnert has been employed as assistant librarian at the Barnard Library.  She replaces Miss Evelyn Reed who has accepted a position as assistant librarian in the archives department at the federal library at Ft. Leavenworth.
February 1957
Kay Fear, Richard Gordon, Dean Gilbert and Albert Oller received their discharges from the Army and arrived home Monday.
Bison will host the District “BB” tournament next week when nine teams will compete for district honors.  Teams represented will be Utica, Alexander, Bison, Brownell, Ransom, Schoenchen, Beeler, McCracken and Arnold.
Funeral services were held for Joe Zeller at Ellis Saturday morning.  He is the father of Francis Zeller, Joe Zeller and Mary Graham.
February 1967
Stanley Johnston, U.S. Navy, has graduated from Great Lakes Training Center in Illinois.
Mrs. Nellie Dutton suffered a fractured hip in a fall at her home on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard West and their four daughters will be received into the membership of the Hope Lutheran Church on Sunday.
February 1977
Members of the Colts basketball team are Randy Conrad, Neal Jacobs, Doug Elias, Wade Hinman, Mark McCormick Troy Zinn, Kevin Casey, Chad Herdman, Carl Dome and Mike Stull.  Coach is Clark Wolters.  The girls team are Joy Mills, Sandy Jacobs, Annette Davis, Marla Schlegel, Sharon Wells, Sandy Taylor, Alaura Scheuerman, Janet Conner, Kelly McKinney, Trina Zinn, Berenda Barnes, Rhonda Conrad and Kayla Higgins.  Their coach is also Clark Wolters.
February 1987
The McCracken Centennial plates are here.  You may order yours from Julia Zeller, Lillian Irvin, Helen Showalter, Charlie’s Service Station, Phyllis’ Beauty Shop of Fred’s A. G.  The Centennial belt buckles may be ordered from Babe Gilbert, Bob House, Charlie’s Service Station or Fred’s A. G. Store.
A baby shower was held at the home of Valerie Mils for Tina Mills and daughter, Rashell Lynn.
February 1997
Joy Hunter, Shirley Higgins and Jack Wilson had a Lenten meal together at Hays on Friday.
Congratulations to Jametta Basgall on the opening of her new restaurant, Four Corners.

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