February 12, 2015 News

Birthdays: February 12, Bridger Baus; February 13, Seth Albers; February 14, Kathleen Thomas; February 15, Jana Herdman; February 16, Adelaide Mills, Katherine Casey, Alex Casey, Clayton Sewell, Charmaine Wolfe; February 17, Tom Rues, Abigail North; February 18, Carol Legleiter.

Anniversaries: February 14, Dave and Carolyn Davenport; February 16, Bruce and Ellen Kershner; February 18, LeRoy and Jean Herdman.

On Saturday Lynn Kochenower visited Norbert and Elsie Urban. In the afternoon , Lynn joined Shannon and Casey Shaw in Liebenthal for lunch. Afterwards they went to Lynn's farm for target practice and horseback riding. Those enjoying the afternoon activities were Shannon and Casey's children, Paxton and Preston, Dylan Basgall and wife, Cory Shaw and his girlfriend, Jaylynn and son Degan. Some of them then went to Schoenchen and had supper.

The Bleeding Kansas Series continues on February 15. Max Nehrbass, Labette Community College history instructor and historian Rich Ankerholz portraying James Montgomery present the program “James Montgomery, The Original Jayhawker” on Sunday, February 15 at 2:00 p.m. at Constitution Hall located at 319 Elmore, Lecompton. The February 8 program was “John Brown vs W. B. 'Ft. Scott' Brockett. It was about the Battle of Black Jack. Over 100 attended. Our own Tim Rues is the curator at Constitution Hall in Lecompton. He would love to see Rush countians at this Jackhawker program.

Josh Moran, son of John and Ellen Moran, Great Bend, signed a Letter of Intent to play football for Hutchinson Community College this Fall. His grandmother, Marge Moran, lives here. Congratulations Josh.

Chuck and Shari Pollard, Monrovia, California has given a donation to the Jail/Museum in honor of his grandfather, George A Ryan.

Flint Kochenower, nephew of Lynn Kochenower, graduated from flight school at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas on Saturday.

Marine Christopher Hugh, son of Mike and Gay Hugh, Buda,Texas and grandson of Al and Judy Hugh, has passed his training to serve in the Marine Security Guard. He will provide additional protection for U. S. diplomatic facilities.

Tammy Irvin and Shirley Higgins attended the Dinner, Dance and Romance program with the TMP Singers in Hays Sunday. Kathy Amrein, music director.

Sanford Foreman was pleasantly surprised by the many birthday cards, he appreciated each and every one.

Teresa Lovitt, Dodge City, motored to Wichita on Saturday and attended the Wichita State-Missouri State basketball game. She was a guest of Neal and Renee Baker. Their son, Ron Baker is her Godchild.

Virginia Hogsett, 79, died December 30 at her home in Great Bend. She was born May 5, 1935 at Detroit, Michigan, the daughter of Eldon “Chief” and Mabel Wilson Hogsett. Burial was in Vansburg Cemetery, Brownell.
History I’ve been reading ‘history’ notes from the McCracken Enterprise and RCNews micro-film for more than
20 years, going to try something different. These notes are from the McCracken High School year books. Tell Melissa, Tim or Linda if you like or dislike. Thanks, Shirley

1970 Mustang

Staff members of the 1970 year book: Donna Rogers, Editor; Bob Foster, Pat Moran, Floyd Norlin, Russell Peters, Darrell Petz, Jim Rein, Carolyn Stremel and Marilyn Wierman.

1970 Seniors: Jerry Schutte, Donna Rogers, Floyd Norlin, Bob Foster, Marilyn Wierman, Russell Peters, Jim Rein, Pat Moran, Kent Bible, Darrell Petz, Carolyn Davenport and Scott McMullen.

Kindergarteners: Kerri Bromlow, Annette Davis, Richard Frick, Diana Hopper, Neal Jacobs, Chris Jones, Valerie Lohrenz, Daniel Pabst, Chris Petz, Kirk Rixon, Alaura Scheuerman, Sharon Wells, Connie Wittman and Triana Zinn.

A special recognition was given to Mrs. Helen Elias. She contributed in many ways to make MHS a better school for the past 17 years. She has sponsored classes and M-Club and is always willing to come early and stay later.

High School Faculty: LeeRoy Schuckman, Helen Elias, Peggy Crawford, R.M. “Diz” Washaliski, Johanna Gengler, Dudley Fryman, Glenn Conner, Guy Conner, Arlene Gilbert, Emma Andereson and Deda DeYoung.

History Book Vol 11

Richard D. Shiney has been promoted to vice president and trust officer of the First National Bank in Topeka.

Chad Herdman, 5, received serious injury to his hand when a mirror broke on a dresser severing the middle finger. The finger was sewn back on at Hadley Hospital in Hays.

Bob and Margaret Fear and family left for Ames, Iowa where Bob has a position as merchandise manager for Montgomery Ward.

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