February 10, 2016 News
Birthdays: January 10, Kim Jay. January 11, Priscella Jacobs, Sierra Pfeifer, Jeanette McCormick, Kelsee Hirsch, Jackson McGaughey; February 12, Bridger Baus; February 13, Seth Albers; February 14, Kathleen Thomas; February 15, Jana Herdman; February 16, Adelaide Mills, Katherine Casey, Alex Casey, Clayton Sewell, Charmaine Wolfe.
Anniversaries: February 14, Dave and Carolyn Davenoport; February 16, Bruce and Ellen Kershner.
Happy Valentine's Day, February 14.
Kansas Trivia:
Before 1825 the early tribes in Kansas territory were Pawnee, Cheyenne, Araphoe, Cuartelejo Apache, Comanche, Kiowa, Kiowa Apache, Wichita (Quivira), Kansa and Osage. The Indian name for the steam locomotive was The Iron Horse. Haskell Indian College, Lawrence , is now a liberal arts and vocational school representing about 30 tribes from all over the country.
Russian Mennonites introduced a hardy winter wheat to Kansas. It was called Turkey Red.
A famous black scientist-educator who owned a Kansas farm was George Washington Carver.
Cowboys filled the Plains with cattle from Texas called Longhorns.
Violent struggle over slavery earned the eastern border area this nickname Bleeding Kansas.
The third Bleeding Kansas program scheduled for Sunday February 14 at 2:00 p.m. at LeCompton is Soldiers in the Army of Freedom: The first Kansas Colored and the Civil War's first African American Combat Unit:. The speaker is historian and author Ian Spurgeon with a book signing to follow.
A large crowd attended the Abraham Lincoln re-enactment at the City Building on Saturday night. He stayed in character and wore the clothes associated with our President Lincoln including the stovepipe hat. A delicious soup supper preceded the program.
Our sympathy to the family of Frank Kershner, 92, who died in Hays at Willow House on February 6. A son, Bruce Kershner and his wife Ellen and family, live in rural Rush Center and a daughter, Cheryl Summers, in Rush Center , Frank was a life-time resident of Rush County and a farmer-stockman.
Our friend George was once again pictured riding his bike in the Hays Daily News on Sunday on Old Highway 40 east of Ellis.
Tanner Elias, senior at Colby High School, placed first in the 132 pound weight class at the GWAC wrestling tournament hosted by Ulysses High School. Schools participating were Colby, Goodland, Holcomb, Hugoton, Scott City, and Ulysses. Colby placed first overall. Attending were Travis and Tina Elias and Carolyn and Dave Davenport.
Les and Rose Diehl, Cathie, Alex, Catherine and her friend Kelsey, Topeka, attended the McCracken Library program Abraham Lincoln Saturday evening at the Community Center. It was very well attended and the soups, bread and desserts were fantastic.
Congratulations to Logan and Clay North who placed 2nd and 3rd in their weight class wrestling tournament in Russell.
Dennis Elias has returned home after spending time in a Wichita Hospital and the Hutchinson Hospital following his stroke.
Congrats to Jared Casey, son of Jerry and Karen Casey, who made 19 of 25 free throws to place 1st in K of C free throw contest. He will move on the Regional Competition in Quinter.
Denver Broncos won the 50th Super Bowl. Congratulations to Peyton Manning their quarterback who is 39 nine years old, hasnt been in jail for hitting his wife or made the headlines for taking drugs, an all-around good guy. He is a class-act!!!!
1974 History Notes
Bob and Frank Foster are members of the Rock Bottom Band who played at the Spearville Junior-Senior Prom Saturday evening. Graduation for HMS will be May 17 with the speaker J.B. Flesner. His topic is entitled Dont Wear Your Raincoat in the Shower. Randy Taylor, Jerald Grumbein, Joy Petz. Daniel Conner, Cheryl Davis, Roger Legleiter, Pamela Showalter, Jeffery Seltman, Steven Swartz, Ivan Janke. Ray Wierman, Brenda Rogers, Kirk Wells, John Elmore, Carla Taylor, David Derr. 8th grade graduates are Mark Baus, J.D.Bell, Larry Buster, Rosie Casey, Ellen Davis, James Dome, Cheryl Foreman, Danny Halbleib, Hope Johnston, Michelle Kershner, Layne Morgan, Peggy Rixon, Tom Rues, Karin Seltman, Annette Stafford, Janet Unrein, Penny West and Wanda Write. Rush County Centennial parade will be held Saturday May 25; the pageant 100 Year Rush is under the direction of Carl Holly, Hollywood, CA and a cast of 400 will run for five nights. The scenes include First Footprints; The Settlers from Russia to Loretto; Wheels of Progress; Sounds of Learning; Sounds of Faith; The Good Old Days, The 20th Century; Thoroughly Modern Rush; Siege for Freedom; Again at War and Tomorrow. The stage is the size of a football field. Orvin Jones portrayed Mr. Barned. Cathie Ryan is on the Deans Honor Roll at Ft. Lewis College. Tena Vogle Barber received a BA in psychology at Kansas Newman. Centennial Queen Candidates are: Dena Keener, Lorrie Mogan, Patty Littler, and Shirley Harp. Debi Baus was second runner-up in the Miss Teenage Pageant in Kansas City. Jim Schafer is the owner of Freds Cash Store on Main Street where he will sell both antique furniture and dishes and new LaCrosse Sleepers. Senior Citizens honored at the Rush County Centennial were Ada Juvenal, Shack Stephens, William Irvin and Fannie Davenport. McCracken Cookie Leaguers defeated LaCrosse 17-0 with Chuck Higgins pitching a not-hitter, his second in a row. Layne Morgan had two home runs. Those on the honor roll at Ft. Hays State for the spring semester were Maureen Janke, Michael Legleiter, Debra Derr, Rich Higgins and Jerry Schutte. Rev. and Mrs. Everett Dykes are the newministers of the Assembly of God Church. Jerry Casey and Kellye Irvin pitched McCracken Cookie team to a 12-3 over Rush Center. Jerry and Mark McCormick had home runs.