RCNews Feb 09

Congratulations to Tayler Stull on his selection to the 2012 Kansas East-West Shrine All-Star football game.
Haley Gilbert was selected as Sno-ball Queen at the basketball game last week. She also turned 18 on Sunday and had dinner with her family at Boondocks. Congratulations.
Priscella Jacobs was in Wichita this weekend for a baby shower for Jenna Jacobs and Neil Jacobs’ 48th birthday. Mitchell and Terri also were in attendance.
There will be a hamburger and French fry supper at the American Legion on Saturday, February 11 beginning at 6:00 – 7:30. Proceeds to the Legion.
Birthdays:  February 9, Austin Goddard; February 10, Kim Jay, Mary Lynn Hopper; February 11, Priscilla Jacobs, Sierra Pfeifer, Harley North, Jeanette McCormick, Kelsee Rogers Hirsch, Jackson McGaughey; February 12, Bridger Baus; February 13, Seth Albers; February 14, Kathleen Stremel Thomas; February 15, Jana Herdman.
Anniversaries:  February 10, Michael and Jerridy Morgan; February 14, Dave and Carolyn Davenport.
This is Leap Year ladies - a good time to propose would be on Valentine's Day this year.
Mark your calendar for the next rodeo meeting - February 19, 2012 at 7:30 P.M.
 In the January 31, 2012 issue of the Hutchinson News, Kathy Hanks interviewed Bill Schwartzkopf, age 101, at the Mennonite Manor's Graber House in South Hutchinson. Schwartzkopf is one of the few remaining Kansans who can claim that he lived in a sod house.  The "soddie" was south of McCracken on the Alexander road.  Bill talked about riding his horse Bess to and from school.  He graduated from Alexander High School in 1929 and went to Fort Hays Teacher's College.  He finished college and went to Stanton County for his teaching position as a business teacher.  He married his Alexander sweetheart, Helen Spomer.  Helen went to Emporia State Teacher's College and was also teaching.  The couple were married for 60 years.  She died six years ago.  Bill also taught in Bushton and Larned.  His hobby was to repair Ford tractors.  We have a history of the "soddie" and the Schwartzkopf family at the Museum courtesy of D. B. Schwartzkopf.
Our sympathy to the family of Esther Schuckman, 92, who died January 30 at Hays.  She was the daugther of Peter and Pauline Stecklein Schaffer.  She married Ludwig J. Schuckman November 26, 1935 in LaCrosse.  He preceded her in death July 3, 2001.  Louie, Esther and their family lived eight miles north of McCracken on the county line.  She is survived by sons, LeeRoy and Eddie; a sister, Vernita Serpan, 12 grandchldren, 26 great-grandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren.  Burial was in the LaCrosse City Cemetery.
Stephanie Greenway was on the All A Honor Roll at Ellis High School for the second quarter and All A Honor Roll for the First semester.
On February 12 the lecture at Constitution Hall in Lecompton is "Lawrence, Survivors of Quantrill's Raid" by Katie Armitage, author and historian.  It is at 2:00 p.m.
We heard a lot about Quantrill's Raid during the KU-Missouri game this week - they kept talking about the Border War during the Civil War. 
Leonard C. Oborny, 74, who died January 29 was the brother of Betty Skillett of Hays.  Betty, her husband Don and family lived in McCracken when the children were growing up.
Several members of McCracken Methodist Church attended the joint parish worship at Bison last Sunday.  All enjoyed lunch at Boondocks after the services.
Kansas History Questions
1.  What is the greatest distance between the northern and southern borders of Kansas? 
2.  What is the greatest distance between the eastern and western borders of Kansas?
3.  What is the largest town in Kansas?
4.  Where are the "Toadstool Rocks" located
5.  Where was the first Kansas state penitentiary located?
Lee and Donna Hansen, Hays, visited Carl and Velma Legleiter and Addie Mills on Sunday afternoon.
A postcard has been purchased through Ebay for the museum by Suzanne Randa entitled "A Scene at Sunrise, McCracken, Kans."  It was addressed to Mrs. W. J. Organ, Beaver Crossing, Neb. and read "Dear Mrs. O.  Don't you admire the view on this side of this card?  Yours truly, E. K.  It has a 2 cent stamp on it and was sent in 1908.
1.  204 Miles
2.  411 Miles
3.  Wichita
4.  Near Carneiro
5.  Lansing

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