RCNews Feb 5
Congratulations to Kevin and Valerie Anderson on the birth of a daughter, Quinn Audrey, born January 15, 2009. Unbeknown to the parents, Quinn was the name of the mother of Jeanette Rogers, who is the great grandmother.
Mark your calendar for the sausage pancake supper which will be held at the McCracken American Legion, Saturday February 7 from 5:30 to 7:00.
Eric Davis has been promoted to Executive Chef at Stokes Restaurant in downtown Omaha, Nebraska. Congratulations.
Rose and Les Diehl, Topeka, were weekend visitors in McCracken. Les played golf on Saturday, Rose and her mother Arline Rues attended the open house in LaCrosse for Icis Eisenhours 95th birthday on Sunday. They also visited with Kate Ryan, Frances Janke, Lydia Schuckman and Nap Derr in the nursing home.
Babe and Arlene Gilbert were in Phoenix this past Saturday - Thursday where Arlene attended a Leadership convention for Mary Kay.
Phil Carver, 80, died February 1, 2009 of cancer in Bagley, Minnesota. His obituary will appear next week.
Jeff Jennings and his crew from Kansas City were in McCracken this weekend taking advantage of the last weekend for pheasant hunting. Jeff was a classmate of Chuck and Jerry Higgins at Hutch Juco.
It was very nice visiting with the Eisenhour/North relatives at the open house for Icis Eisenhour on Saturday and Eunice North on Sunday. Laura North Martin was telling about the classmates and friends she visits with on facebook.com. You might want to try it
Received a note from Carol Bible Decurgez, she said her mother June Bible Bell is having a hard time getting around. Her lower lumbar is giving her a lot of pain and she uses a walker.
A memorial has been received to the Jail/Museum in memory of Drewie McGaughey from Sandie Emerson of Pueblo, Colorado. Sandie is also a renewing member of the museum.
Francis and Julia Zeller received a phone call on Monday from Francis' cousin, Ewald Silberhorn, in Poing (a suburb of Munich, Germany), wishing them a Happy Anniversary. This is their 65th. Our Congratulations also.
We are pleased that Whitney Taylor, Ellis High School senior, is back playing basketball after her knee injury suffered during volleyball. She plans to attend Fort Hays to run track and play basketball.
In last weeks Sunday Hays Daily, Andrew Casey was pictured in the Mid-Continent League tournament. He is a freshman at Plainville High School.
Programs at LeCompton on Sundays at 2:00 p.m. include one on Sunday, February 8 regarding Lincolns Reconciliation of Racial Inequality and Natural Rights and then on February 15, the program is Abraham Lincoln Remembered, a first-person portrayal by Tom Leahy, educator and reenactor. If you are in the area stop by and surprise Tim Rues.
Stephanie Greenway, Emma Showalter and Katie Showalter were on the honor roll at Western Plains Junior High School on the High Honors for the first and second quarters.
Reminder: Valentines Day is coming up. Please remember all those who are in the Rest Homes and also those in our community who would love to have a card or some kind of remembrance on that day. Dont forget your loved ones and also the little children.
McCracken History Notes
February 1879
It is estimated that the cattle drive for 1879 will reach 175,000.
February 1889
Carrie Huntoon is teaching school in the Whitehead district.
February 1999
Sheriff Littler was in town Monday, but found us all good.
February 1909
Eggs sell in Chicago at four cents apiece while they sell in McCracken at about three for a nickel.
Twelve or fifteen stone men are employed in foundations for four good stone and brick business houses, which isnt so bad.
February 1919
Memorial services will be held at the UB Church Sunday morning in honor of those whose star has turned to gold on our service flag. Those who have this honor are Paul West and John Earl.
February 1929
Steve Padilla bought a Whippet coach and P. H. McKittrick bought a Whippett. James Rixon, a two door and Irvin Irvin, a sedan.
February 1939
A new firm moved to McCracken last week and established headquarters for the manufacture of Lubri-Gel Products. Mr. Tom Holden of Denver is manager of the company and will employ six local men in the plant. The company has leased the deposits of shale eight miles north of town and will use the blue mud in the manufacture of supplies for surrounding oil fields. The shale is hauled to town where it is processed. The plant is occupying the old Standard service Station building on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Holden moved here the first of the week and will make their home here indefinitely.
February 1949
Mrs. Robert Edwards and daughter, Karen will sail for Japan to join Lt. Edwards who is stationed there.
The Ryan farm adjoining McCracken on the north, now occupied by Paul Wilson and family was sold to Elmer Pabst.
February 1959
Girl Scout Troop #3 of McCracken held a flag and investiture ceremony Tuesday in the scout house for their mothers and mothers of the Brownie Troop. Each girl received her Girl scout pin, membership star and troop crest. Those present were Mrs. Everett Reinhardt, Mrs. Melvin Littler and Patty, Mrs. Alvin Janke, Mrs. Howard Johnston and Ruth, Mrs. Avery Norlin, Mrs. Harley North, Mrs. Calvin Parsons, Mrs. Eugene Wetzel and Elaine, Mrs. Bev Irvin; Mrs. Harold Peck and Mrs. King Mason, leaders. Girl Scouts who entertained were Jan Eisenhour, Jametta Peters, Peggy Janke, Carol Littler, Marie Johnston, Karen Norlin, Brendy Kleysteuber, Carolyn Mason, Jo Faye Gaschler and Susan Reinhardt.
February 1969
Gloria Baus was honored as the DAR Good Citizen by Jonathan Gilbert Chapter NSDAR at a tea on February 11 at the residence of Dr. M. C. Cunningham in Hays.
Lana Scheuerman has been named 1969 Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow.
February 1979
Kellye Irvin was named to the boys all-tournament team at the Lincoln Branch tournament played at Hays. Tammy Higgins was named to the girls team.
Norene Fletcher, a sophomore at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa has been named to the Deans honor roll.