News Jan 31
The McCracken Public Library appreciates all the donations to their “Foodless Food Sale”.  They received a very nice amount, also for a nice donation from a former resident.
Tyrel Elias had guests Neal and Tanner Benton from Burgaw, North Carolina last week for pheasant hunting.
Kenneth Foster has re-entered the Hays Medical Center.  I am sure he would appreciate your cards.  You may send them to McCracken as we hope he will return home very soon.
Notice the valentines on the fence of Priscilla Jacobs.  Pretty cool!!!
LOOKING BACK:  1973  From the number of points the McCracken B-team ran up Friday night against Healy, it appears coach Glenn Conner will continue to be a winner, at least for the next couple of years.  In case you haven’t heard, the little Mustangs scored 111 points against Healy.  To score 111 in 32 minutes is quite a chore, but to score 45 points in eight minutes, that is burning up the net.  The little guys scored 14 in the first quarter, 19 in the second, 45 in the third and 33 in the fourth.  A total of 13 players saw action and only four were in double figures, Chuck Higgins had 27, Jerry Higgins 18, Glen Ryan and Steve Foreman each had 12.  (The 3-point shot wasn’t in effect).
Joann Micheli returned home recently from a visit with her daughter, Linda and Bob Dale, Evan and Audra in Littleton, Colorado.
Sunday, February 3, 2008, Constitution Hall State Historic Site in Lecompton – 2:00 p.m., free admission:  “John Calhoun:  Surveyor General and Lecompton Constitution President,” First-person portrayal by Steven Brosemer, GeoTech, Inc. Land Surveyors.
Basketball King and Queen candidate-attendants for Western Plains High School Homecoming were Michael Greenway and Kelsee Rogers.
Amy Wilson of Colby was named Miss Rodeo American 2008.  She was Miss Rodeo Kansas.  In 2004 she was Miss Rodeo McCracken.  We know how to pick them.  Hurrah!
Galen Allen celebrated his 70th birthday at Montana Mike’s in Great Bend on Friday evening, January 25.  He was joined by his children, Curtis Allen and Lehanna Allen of Seattle; Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith, Ellsworth and Carolyn Thompson
Addie Mills was a Tuesday evening supper guest of Marty and Tina Mills.  She brought a cake in honor of Marty’s birthday.
Mike Karlin was a Saturday through Monday guest of grandmother Addie Mills.
Marty and Tina Mills visited with their daughter, Rashell Mills and Rob McCarty at Hutchinson.  They were joined by Bob and Della Miller of Brookville and all celebrated Della’s birthday. 
History Notes
January 1908
The high school girls will serve supper in the Restaurant building tomorrow evening.  The proceeds will be used for the purchase of an organ for the school.  The girls are Tena Rixon, Lida Floyd, Evelyn Hicks, Hazel Robertson, Ruth Wagner, Dell Purcell and Ruby Reed.  They met at the home of Hester Neal to make preparations.
January 1938
McCracken’s boy’s basketball team snagged their first victory last week.  Coach Martz became so pale that we were ready to bury him and ‘Swede Pearson’ squeezed the guard rail together during the last minutes of the fray.
January 1948
Glen Conner, freshman at Fort Hays Kansas State College, has seen action in all the basketball games the Hays Tigers have played this season and has tallied a total of 56 points.  Conner was the star of the LaCrosse High School Five last year.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Higgins have purchased the Bates residence property in west McCracken.  Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bates left Saturday for their new home in Larned.  Willard E. Mills is the new manager of the Farmer’s Cooperative Association succeeding Mr. Bates who resigned because of ill health.
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Klema entertained the employees of their store at a waffle supper Thursday evening.  The guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fear and son, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gaschler and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Megli and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Peer, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Augustine, Mrs. Martha Shaefer, Miss Goldie Higgins and Miss Frances Gaschler.
January 1958
Grain Markets:  Wheat $1.96, Milo $1.45
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Moran on the birth of a daughter, Nancy Marie, born February 3, 1958 in LaCrosse.
January 1968
Mrs. Tom Rogers is teaching here in the grade school moving here from Hays.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Don Skillett twins, Karen Renae and Kelly Wayne, February 2 at Hays.
January 1978
Construction is progressing on the new building for the Schafer Furniture Store and Barber Shop.  The 50 x 76 foot metal building is being erected by Shade Construction and will be completed in mid-March.  It will also house the Baseball Hall of Fame and trophies.
Stuart Aubrey of the Hutchinson News did a story about “Chetolah”, a gold town north of McCracken.  He received his information from the Rush County History book in an article written by Lavona Peters Suppes.
January 1988
Dewey K. North, 89, died January 25, 1988 at St. Anthony Hospital in Hays.  He was born August 18, 1898 in Powell, Missouri.  He married Bessie May Taylor, December 1, 1921 in Arnold.  She died March 21, 1978.  He was a retired farmer and stockman and a longtime Brownell- McCracken resident.  He is survived by two sons, Harley G. and Dewey Keith North.  Burial was in the McCracken City Cemetery.
January 1998
Saturday, January 22, is the Coronation, Auction and Dance for Kristin Bemis, Miss Kansas Rodeo at the Hays American Legion.
Jeff Hurd has been hired as Head Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Kansas City Chiefs.  He was with the Jacksonville Jaguars.  He is the husband of Kathy Lovitt Hurd. (Jeff is now with San Diego Chargers)

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