RCNews January 22

Birthdays: January 22, Marty Mills, Jake Tomlinson; January 23, Jessica Shapiro; January 24, Paula North, Carolyn Oller; January 25, Dana Irvin, Marlene Funk, Arlene Gilbert, Tom McCormick, Paulette Harp; January 26, Teresa Wetzel, Jerilyn Stull, Nicholas Moran, Breonna North; January 27, Della Miller, Bryce Strickland, Martin Higgins; January 28, Chad Herdman, Ruthetta Irvin.

Anniversaries: January 24, Neal and Amy Jacobs; January 28, Al and Judy Hugh.

Al Oller was sworn into office as an Ellsworth County commissioner on Monday morning by District Judge Ron Svaty. Voters re-elected Oller in November. He was pictured in the Ellsworth County Independence-Reporter on Thursday.

Roxie Thornburg, Utica, and Carolyn Thompson attended the Centennial celebration for the Fort Larned Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution on Thursday at the Glory Bee at Larned. Donna Campbell, Regent, introduced Kansas State Regent, Brenda Dooley. She gave a certificate from National recognizing the chapters' 100th anniversary and a letter was read from the President General, Lynn Forney Young congratulating the chapter. Sharon Webster gave a program on Martha Washington.

McCracken History Volume 11. William Campbell - After William Henry Campbell (1833-1904), a member of Company C of the Fifth Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, was discharged from the Union Army, he came west and settled in Ness County where he met and married Lucetta Ball (1856-1939). She and her father had come from Iowa to establish a home for the rest of the family and each was homesteading a quarter of land. She had to give up her quarter after they married because a couple was only allowed one. However, they acquired two more by allowing a school to be built on one and planting cottonwood trees on another. To supplement the farm income William freighted between Hays and Colorado. He acquired 80 acres a mile west of McCracken by trading 23 horses for it which the buyer was allowed to pick from his herd. One belonged to his daughter, Eva, (1882-l977) and he asked her permission to trade it in exchange for a twenty-third interest in the eighty acres, which was of course granted, and never claimed. But Eve received the original home quarter and it is still in the family. Letter from Helen Davis May 11, 1988.

Bleeding Kansas Series begins on January 25, 2015, at Constitution Hall State Historic Site in Lecompton, Kansas.  The program is “The Kansas Statehouse Restoration”: by Barry Greis, statehouse architect with remarks by Matt Veatch, state archivist, Kansas Historical Society.  This program is a Kansas Day commemoration.  Programs will be held each Sunday at 2:00 p.m. from January 25 through March 1.  A $3.00 donation is suggested for adults.  Constitution Hall is located at 319 Elmore, Lecompton.  For information call 785-887-6520 or visit kshs.org/constitution_hall.  Other programs will be dramatic interpretations and talks about the violent conflict over slavery.  This is the 19th annual Bleeding Kansas series.
In the Sunday Hays Daily News’ Nor’wester they featured the Studio and Kansas Art Gallery in Wakeeney.  One of the artists is Marlene Funk. She is pictured working on canvas using acrylic paint.
The Deines Cultural Center in Russell is opening a new exhibit on Friday, January 23 from 5-8 p.m. with a reception.  The exhibit runs through February 20, 2015.  It features intuitive artists exploring alternative materials and methods of mark making;  featuring reverse glass paintings by Jack Flagor and collaborative wood relief paintings by Eric Scriven and Mark E. Logan. 

Those helping to take down Christmas decorations at St. Mary's were Don and Deanna Burgquiest, Twila Higgins, Jean Shutte, Jeanette McCormick and Roy & Phyllis Conrad. Thanks to all who helped.

Remember, Sanford Foreman’s 80th birthday is January 28. His address is 6532 Tarrytown Street, Park City, KS 66219.

In the Hutchinson News last week, Jim Schinstock’s editorial was about music. He mentioned his mother sang him the lullaby “Babes in the Woods”. How many of you remember this song? My aunt Margaret sang it to me and to my girls, it scared Tammy & Kayla.

A friend in Wichita gave me a gift of Wichita Shockers playing cards. If you know a Shocker fan or would just like to have a ‘remembrance’ of a ‘fun’ basketball team to watch, buy yourself some.

Shannon McKinney, Lincoln, joined Shirley & Carolyn at the Winter Jam Tournament in Hoisington Monday afternoon/evening. Ellsworth girls & boys lost to LaCrosse, Shannon Keith, granddaughter of Carolyn Thompson played for Ellsworth girls.

The Faith Sharing group from St. Mary’s in McCracken attended mass and breakfast at Liebenthal Monday morning. They met Bishop Peter Atuahene from Ghana and Fr. Matthew Kumi. Those attending were Carolyn Thompson, Twila Higgins, Deanna Bergquist, Phyllis Conrad, Shirley Higgins & Jean Schutte. Unable to attend was Jeanette McCormick.

Jerry, Jodi and Tanner Higgins attended the K-State – Baylor basketball game in Manhattan Saturday. Tanner moved his ‘stuff’ back to Manhattan after being home for Christmas break.

The fundraiser for the American Legion was a GREAT success!! Appreciate everyone who participated from cleaning, cooking, donating items, money and spreading the word. There were 10 crockpots of different soups and numerous desserts; no one should have gone home hungry. Following the supper, cards were played and a live concert was given by Clayton Kershner. Look for our next fundraiser to be held in February.

History Notes February 1965

Larry Morgan, Alexander and Jametta Morgan, McCracken were married at the EUB Church in Alexander Saturday afternoon.

Danny Rein and Delores Schuckman were married Saturday in Liebenthal.

Robert & Doris Schaffer & Jim, Pat & Angela Murray & family were dinner guests of Kenneth & Goldie Showalter & family on Sunday honoring their daughter, Helena, on her third birthday.

Bessie North, Carrie North & Elsie Showalter visited the LaCrosse Rest Home, LaCrosse Hospital and Nekoma Rest Home on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Dietz, Ness City, announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Kay to Larry L. Reinert of Ness City. Miss Dietz is a graduate of Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa as an organ major & is employed as music teacher at the Otis Rural High School.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Conrad on the birth of a daughter, Rhonda Marie, born February 5 weighing 9 pounds and one-half ounces at the Rush County Memorial Hospital.

McCracken, LaCrosse, Alexander and Bison all advanced to the semi-finals in the Rush County Grade School basketball tournament at McCracken Monday with impressive victories. Alexander won the county tournament. Alexander won over Bison 47-35; McCracken over LaCrosse 66-41. Tim Brown, Richard Higgins and Doug Whitis were the top scorers for McCracken. Alexander’s scoring was Jim Brack, Tomlinson, Lonnie Morgan, Wendler, Don and Galen Irvin.

Sam Higgins attended the funeral of his brother, James Higgins, in Denver.

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