News Jan 18
Those who contributed to the Ceremonial Bugle Fund were Martin and Mary Higgins, Shirley Higgins, Jim Schafer, LeRoy Schuckman, Carolyn Thompson and William Zeller. If you wish to add your name to list it is never too late.
The McCracken Alumni has purchased an electric range stove and a micro-wave for the McCracken Community Building.
The storm pictures of snow covered cattle and broken power poles we have received on the inter-net are unbelievable. Our thoughts go out to all the ranchers and farmers in Western Kansas.
The Hoisington Cardinal Winter Jam Basketball Tournament starts January 15 and will continue through the 20th. Please support your high school team!
Dont forget to check the SRS services that are available in our county. As mentioned last week, pamphlets are available through out the county. You may call Hays 785-628-1066 or 1-888-369-4777.
The Shafer Gallery at Barton County Community College has Selections from the Permanent Collection, Recent Preservation Projects: on display. . Charles Rogers, Gene Kloss, Joseph Hindley etc.
Francis and Julia Zeller attended the funeral for Mary Schmidt at Hays on Tuesday and for Clarence Schreiber at Ransom on Thursday. Francis and Roberta Wierman also attended the Schreiber services.
Those helping at the Park to put away the Christmas decorations were Wendell and Gladys Hinman, Twila Higgins, Jean Schutte, Joan Micheli, Roy and Phyllis Conrad, Laura Linsey, Fred Taylor and Carolyn Thompson.
We have a question? Who operated the machine shop south of the Humburg building?
The last one that we know was John Elias before he moved uptown. In the building next to Norlin was Ed Shiney Ford Dealership and then Scheidemans. Was Art Schertz in the building prior to Shiney? Sources are getting tougher to come by. Our thanks to Chet Rogers for the question and to Francis Zeller for an answer. I think this could be a good addition to the column. Give us a question and we will try to find the answer.
Grandma Arline called to say that Alex and John Casey were two of the good Samaritans who helped pick up limbs last Saturday.
Gary Turner called to tell us of the death of his father, Earl Turner, at Russell. Funeral plans are pending.
Orville Durand has transferred to Rush County Nursing Home to recuperate. He would enjoy your visits and cards.
Iona Mae Pratt Westfall will be 90 on January 26. She would enjoy your cards. Mail them to: 305 West 6th St., Hays, KS 67601
80th Birthday for Lloyd P. Holmes: Lloyd was born January 20, 1927 in the Riverside area on the banks of the Pawnee River in Ness Co. On August 8, 1948, he married Marguerite Washaliski in McCracken, Kan. To the union three sons were born, Alan, Kent and Todd. Alan, now deceased, married Karen and lived in Greenwich, Texas and had two sons, Brian and David. Kent married Kathy. They live in Topeka, Kan. and have one son Nicholas. Todd married Jody. They live in Montezuma and have one son, Grant. The couple lived in Dodge City from 1948 until December 2004. Lloyd spent over 53+ years in the automobile business and is now retired and resides at 3600 S. W. Gage #56, Topeka, KS 66614 where card of congratulations may be sent.
McCracken History Notes:
Items for 1887 will begin in March when the McCracken Enterprise began its publication.
January 1907
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferris entertained a number of young people Friday night in honor of their son Leo and Miss Carrie Darkes, teacher. Those present were Elvira Fudge, Ida and Mamie Darkes, Maude and May Stephens, Winnie Landon, Annie Holdgate, Mabel and Earl McCaskey, John McKenzie, Earny Landon, Scott Yawger, Ada and Paul Lovitt, Lena Hanel, Fannie and Lander Davenport, Ralph and Claude Stephens, Jay Landon, Will Holdgate and Charley North.
Ward Reed, wife and child of Jonesborough, Arkansas, came in yesterday on their way to Denver and visiting at the home of Percy Edgington. Mr. Reed is a brother of Mrs. Edgington.
January 1947
On display this week in the window of the Meyer Hardware store is a smoking stand made by Ted Jennings of McCracken. The stand is inlaid with forty-one varieties of imported wood, and in the center of the table is the Masonic emblem, the square and compass.
Mrs. Dorothy Bemis of Hays has been appointed staff dietitian at the Veterans Administration hospital, Ft. Logan, Colo. Mrs. Bemis is the widow of Lt. Ralph Bemis who was killed early in the war. Following her graduation from Kansas State College in 1945 she went to John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, for an internship. Mrs. Bemis is the nice of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kraus of near Hays.
Leonard and Willard Mills have their houses about completed and ready for occupancy.
Marlene Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilson, spent ten days at Hadley Memorial hospital due to pneumonia and an earl infection.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mills on the birth of a son, Richard Everett, on January 7 at Hadley Memorial hospital.
January 1977
Lynette Legleiter is on the honor roll at Brown-Mackie.
Eastern Star held installation. Officers are Susan Walker, Marlin McGinnis, Julie Nuttle, Carl Legleiter, June Bible, Jeanette Rogers, Lorraine Ryan, Elaine Littler, Rose Showalter, Charlotte Fluharty, Joyce Rogers, Icis Eisenhour, Marjorie Irvin, Velma Legleiter, Jan North, Adelaide Mills and Arlene Gilbert.
January 1987
A family gathering during the holidays at the home of Isabel and Jim Moran in Hargrave, was made complete via satellite. They and their three daughters were watching the KU-Pittsburg game from Hawaii when they spotted Gail, their fourth daughter in the crowd. Gail is a hospital social worker in Hawaii and planned to attend the game, but they had no hopes of actually seeing her in the crowd.
Frances Janke enterained with a New Years Eve party. Guests were Mildred Rein, Ruth Tanck, Joy Hunter, Jolene Brackney, Margaret Gerritzen, Minnie Jacobs, Kate Ryan, Drewie McGaughey, Phyllis Higgins and Lucy Vogle. The evening was spent playing cards.
January 1997
McCracken has become part of the rare bird fly-way. Pat Derr had a flock of evening grosbeaks at her feeder. A pair of red crossbills along with cardinals were spotted this past week.
Francis Zeller has taken possession of the John Moran Building from Teresa Moran. Johnny worked for the Bank of McCracken so this is the first time the building has undergone a major change in ownership.
Bill Greenway was presented with a 20 year pin of service with Archer Daniels Midland Company.