RCNews 1/14/10

Mass will be held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, McCracken, on Saturday, January 12 at 4:00 p.m. with Father Kraus presiding. This is the make up mass that was to be held December 26th and cancelled because of the weather. The church is still decorated for Christmas and if you have not seen St. Mary’s at Christmas time it is worth your while to attend. It is beautiful.  EVERYONE is welcome.
A late birthday party was held Sunday evening, January 6th at the home of Wilfrid and Twila Higgins for Meredyth Winter whose birthday was December 21st.  Guests attending were the honored guest and her husband Bruce, Russ and Laura Linsey, Joann Micheli and Jean Schutte.  Pizza with birthday cake and ice cream was served.
Les and Rose Diehl, John and Melanie Zeller, Bruce and Susan Davis, Eric and Melissa Davis were in attendance at the Fort Hays – Southwest Baptist game Saturday evening at Gross Memorial. The 10th ranked Fort Hays men’s team outscored No. 11 Southwest Baptist 102-89.
 A memorial donation has been received by the Jail/Museum in memory of Icis Eisenhour from Roy and Phyllis Conrad.
Eugene Wendling, Halstead, celebrated his 90th birthday with a reception at Sacred Heart Parish Hall in Halstead on Saturday, January 9.  He married Marcelline Moran November 6, 1946 in McCracken.  She died June 3, 2003.  He is a retired farmer and served in the 7th Signal Corps during World War 11 in the Pacific Theater.  His children are David and Nina Wendling, Jean Anne and Greg Gleason, William and Marilyn Wendling, Mary and Jerry Klutzke, 18 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.  You may send him a card at 1010 Chestnut, Halstead, KS 67056.
Kanopolis Middle School won first in the C-B basketball tournament at Reno Valley Middle School of Saturday.  Shannon Keith is a member of the team.  Those attending were Danny and Gail Dennis of Hutchinson, Mike and Susan Keith, Ellsworth and Carolyn Thompson.
Roy Conrad has been researching by using the McCracken Library microfilm.  He found the following for 1909.  “The city council has under consideration the purchase of the whole block of land just east of the Frank Reed residents to be used as a park.  The land can be purchased at a reasonable price and as in the future we may need such a thing as to for a playground. In all probability the purchase of this property would be a good thing.”  So Roy says, “Our city park will be a 100 years old this year (in March).”
Roy also did find that the rock from the old Catholic church or second church was donated by Jess Elmore from his land, which later was owned by Swanzy.  Swanzy was advertising to sell fence post from his quarry during the 1909 and 1910 years.
Our sympathy to the family of William “Earl” Taylor, 88, who died January 2, 2010 at Liberal.  He was born December 21, 1921 to Ernest and Grace Beasley Taylor.  He married Irene M. Burkhart on January 27, 1944.  She died August 24, 2004.  Survivors are son, Rick; daughter, Renee Haralson; brother, Fred of McCracken; sister, Mae Kersenbrock; seven grandchildren; five step-grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.  Burial was in the Liberal cemetery with military graveside rites by the American Legion.
We are all concerned about the effects of the cold on the wheat especially the fields that blew snow/dust into the ditches.
McCracken History Notes
January 1890
Richard Mulroy of Hampton proved up on his timber claim Wednesday.
J. F. Edwards came down from LaCrosse and spent the Sabbath with his parents at Hampton.
January 1910
A freight train went into the ditch at Hargrave Tuesday night and delayed all other trains several hours.  Ten freight cars were in the smashup.
Mr. and Mrs. James Start left here Wednesday morning for a visit of a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Will Lovitt at Sedgwick.  They will no doubt enjoy a most pleasant visit.
January 1920
Edith Sultzer and Alice Henley are attending Business College in Salina.
Miss Beulah Wharton is the new bookkeeper at the Citizens State Bank.
January 1940
Mrs. Basil Ryan is the new assistant postmaster in the local post office.
A picture of Clarence Peer and Albert Start with 17 coyote pelts was shown in the Sunday Hutchinson Herald.
January 1960
Ted Brening, owner of Brening appliance and hardware, LaCrosse, announced he will be the authorized Western Auto dealer for LaCrosse.
A snow store which blew in on the heels of a soaking rain during the weekend left a heavy mantle of snow in the county.  David McKay, manager of the Golden Belt Telephone Company reported that lines were down in the Albert area.

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