News Jan 11
Craig and Deb Rixon spent Christmas at Deb's parents in Hays. Kirby and Joy Petz spent Sunday and Monday night with the Rixons. We had Christmas an New Years ! Had a great time having a slumber party!
Our thanks to Kellye Irvin and his crew for their hard work in getting our power restored.
No one Ive visited with wants to go back to The Good Ole Days!
A Representative from Healthwave was in the McCracken Library before Christmas and left some brochures concerning health insurance for children. There are also pamphlets for food resources for Kansans. Please come in and check to see if you qualify. You will not know if you qualify if you dont apply.
You know you live in a small town when you address a Christmas card to the first house north of Zekes and the postmistress knows who to send it to.
In the article last week about Bruce Davis, Cheryl and Allen Werth visiting in Alabama, they visited with Tom and Nettie Chestnut and family.
On Saturday, Dolores Petz, hosted her second Christmas get together. Attending were Dustin and Shelli Petz from Olathe, Shane and Shanda Preston from Russell, Darrell Petz and friend Cindy Herrman from Andover, Melissa Petz and son Tristan from Great Bend, and Danny and Patricia Petz from Mc Cracken.
On January 2, Danny and Patricia Petz celebrated their 36th anniversary. They spent the evening in Hays. Pat decided that they would eat at her favorite restaurant: Guiterrez's. Then they went to a movie. They had a nice time.
On Saturday the 6th, Danny and Patricia Petz traveled to Hays to watch their grandson, Nicholas Petz, play basketball at the Hays Recreation Center. Nick's team won their game. His coaches are Kelly Petz and Nathan Windholz. Nicholas was also cheered on by his mom,
Melanie, and brother Kameron, and sister, Kallynn, all of Hays, Leland and Mary Steitz of La Crosse, Wes and Sandy Oakley of Hays, and Tim and Kristen Nunnery and
family of Hays.
The Conrad's thought this was an interesting piece of 'trivia'.
Sylvester and Muriel Conrad were the youngest married couple at the 1937 McCracken Celebration, Louis E. and Harriet "Etta" Irvin were the oldest married couple.
Lorraine Ryan returned home from California after spending Christmas in Sacramento with her daughter, Martin and Cathie Ryan Shapiro, Lauren and Jessica.
We had a nice picture of JoLynn (Bethke) and Adam Browns wedding on November 4, 2006 at the chapel at Powell Gardens. It is a small, wood and glass chapel 25 miles east of Kansas City. JoLynn is the daughter of Roz (Moran) and Del Bethke. JoLynn is a project manager for Jury, Sync., a KC legal consulting firm. Adam is with the computer technical division for Time-Warner. He is the son of Roberta Pacino, sister to the actor Al Pacino. Roberta and her husband Mark Richman are independent film makers.
Cathy Casey and Tom Rues organized a crew to pick up limbs on Saturday. Even little Will helped.
I inadvertently went muddin the other day. I was told that back in the 80s there were brothers who were very good at muddin and that I should go with them sometime for tips on how to keep the vehicle moving!
Marie Brack, LaCrosse and LaVerne Huddleston attended the Diabetes Clinic at Ness City on Thursday. I talked to Shirley Baker from Dighton and heard all the travails of weather related problems in Dighton. That big tower east of Dighton went down and they have no cable. They had to stay at the 4-H Building and when they were home it was hard to keep warm. They still had thick ice on their north windows and were getting lots of leaks due to the ice.
Bob and Sharon Bearley, Kensington, (former McCracken Junior High teacher and coach) were in Ellsworth and eating at Padens. They wrote a note on a napkin and gave it to the server and asked them to give it to Susan Keith. He wished everyone in McCracken greetings and how much he liked McCracken and the people here. The server delivered the note to Susan. This is another example of small town courtesy.
Allan and Joyce Thompson, Plainville, were Christmas day guests of his son, Kelly and Crystal Thompson in Rose Hill. They also delivered a trailer to Elm Creek, Nebraska this week. They said the roads were slick and snow packed a tough trip.
Ruthanne Crawshaw had surgery at Hays Medical Center and has returned home.
Orville Durand fell and broke his collarbone. He has been recuperating at Hays Medical Center and taking other tests.
James Seltman has been a patient at Hays Medical Center.
The Constitution Hall State Historic Site in Lecompton has now re-opened. Their hours are as follows through February Friday and Saturday 10-4 and Sunday l-4. From March to November they are open Wednesday through Saturday l0-5 and Sunday l-5. 2007 is the 150th Anniversary of the Lecompton Constitution. The Constitution will be on display at the Historic Site. January 28 there will be a program entitled Michael Senn: Swiss Immigrant Western Territorial Kansas Silver Miner Union Soldier Jefferson County Farmer Populist Legislator Advocate for Womens Rights by John M. Solbach 111, great-great-grandson of Michael Senn. All are welcome to attend.
McCracken History Notes
This is a continuation of the article published in 1937 about the businesses of McCracken in 1887:
The Bank of McCracken has completed a building 25 x 50 feet. The officers are B. F. Coughenour, president, J. E. Andrews, vice-president and E. S. Chenoweth, cashier.
G. A. Hovey and Son carry a general stock of goods consisting of groceries, dry goods, gents furnishings, boots, shoes, etc. In fact they keep everything in their line. Mr. Hovey is an old and experienced business man.
R. K. Armstrong, formerly of Alexander, moved to this place a short time ago. He just returned from the east last week where he purchased $2,000 worth of dry goods, clothing, hats, caps, etc. Mr. Armstrong is yet a young man, but stands ready to build up his town at all hazards.
W. F. Grumbein moved up from Roland in February and put in a large stock of goods, including groceries, flour, dry goods and everything comprising a general stock. He also runs a hotel restaurant in the rear of the store where he will accommodate the weary traveler to the best found in the market.
E. C. Tritt is a dealer in general merchandise, groceries, boots, dry goods, etc. He moved up from Elm Valley recently and built the building now occupied by him, but has since disposed of the same and contemplates erecting a large store building but has not decided on the location.
M. Temple came up from Templeton, Ness county, and had the misfortune to burn out. He is now temporarily in the Hunter store. His new store is fast nearing completion.
J. P. Warden is carrying on a good business in the hardware line and will add a large stock of farming implements.
Roy Huling has charge of the hardware stock of Clark Bros., of Hays City who are also in business at that place. They are also figuring on the erection of a suitable building for their stock, the present one being inadequate for their trade.
W. M. Ryan these men occupy a lot of ground west of the depot with a full and complete stock of lumber, building material and coal.
DeTar and Robertson have just set up in the drug business with a complete line of drugs, etc. The business here is in charge of Mr. Robertson while his partner attends to the store in LaCrossse. As this is strictly a temperance town they do not handle the destroyer, but do a square, legitimate drug business.
Dr. Darnell previous to a short time ago was located at Elm Valley where he kept a small stock of drugs in company with Wm. Keever and also plied his profession. It is understood he intends putting up a larger building and add to his drug stock soon.
Mr. Brewer occupies a corner in the Grumbein bulding with a large stock of jewelry, watches and clocks, and is a practical watch maker.
A.B. Names was first to erect a livery stable and has recently taken a partner, Anderson by name. They are prepared to suit all kinds of people and both are pleasant gentlemen to meet.
Magrane Bros., liverymen, are located here with a large barn and keep first class rigs.
Mansfield and Swanzy have the largest feed and sales stable in this part of the state. They are genuine business men and a credit to any place.
In addition to these firms we have five hotels and restaurants, all crowded. Also three blacksmith shops, feed and supply store, butcher shop, barber shop, jewelry and millinery shop, grain dealer and baker.
January 1907
Harry Sultzer is the new salesman at Hastings, taking William Kellys place. Mr. Sultzer is a very popular salesman.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sloan of Hampton, Rush County, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Robinson.
The ice on the lake down on the Lovitt place has frozen hard enough to make skating good and the boys and girls are enjoying the sport. Its ice is in good condition and there is a pretty good stretch of it.