January 2, 2019 News

Birthdays: January 2, Bill Greenway, DeAnna Bergquist, Lynette Guy, Julie McCormick, Braxton Bentham; January 3, Alberta Kreisel, Melvin Simmerman; January 4, Lisa Day, Debi Schuckman, Myron Schuckman; January 5, Darwin Herdman, Clayton Wilson, Debbie Gaunt; January 6, Cheryl Lamer, Judy Hugh, Father Ultan Murphy; January 7, Craig Higgins, Richard Mills; January 9, Randy Taylor Jeffrey Anderson, Stuart Clancy.

Anniversary: January 3, Trenton and Jana Herdman.

Carolyn Thompson spent Christmas Eve with Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith in Ellsworth. They attended the late mass at St. Bernard's Catholic Church On Christmas Day they travelled to Wellington for the Keith family dinner and gift exchange. Carolyn got a flying helicopter. On the 26th they celebrated David Dennis' 72nd birthday with his whole family in Wichita. They also visited Deb Luft. They returned to Ellsworth, stayed an extra day due to the storm and arrived in McCracken on Friday.

Canada's dog had NINE puppies.

If we were wondering if our Post Office was going to re-open, this should be a definite answer: The postal service came and removed all the boxes, in fact the building is completely empty.

Les and Rose Diehl hosted the family Christmas Eve. Alicia and Leigh Barrett, Cathy and Ron and family and friend Mary Dunn.  Christmas Day —Tim and Maddie and Lily Rues. 

Tom Rues stayed in New Hampshire, coming this summer.  He was missed.

Guests of Aaron and Leslie McGaughey, Jackson and Lillian Christmas Day were Diane McFarren, Terran and Tyson Showalter, Rob and Helena McGaughey, Richard Showalter, Leslie’s mom and dad, Chuck and Pat, Leslie’s sisters Reagan, Kelly and daughter, Makenna. Christmas eve they were joined by Terry and Helen Showalter.
Josh and Carly, Jaden and Hunter Collazo spent Christmas in Salina at the home of Josh’s parents.

Christmas weekend guests of Roberta Wierman were Rita Brethowr, George & Marilyn Sommers. On Sunday they motored to Salina to visit the Ray Wierman family and grandkids.

Jean Oelkers, Tony and Dyan Axman and George Keener were Christmas guests of Bob and Shelly at their home.

Christmas guests of Mitchell Jacobs were Sandra Jacobs, Chad and Crystal Foust, Anton and Kaden.

A Foreman Christmas was held Saturday at La Crosse: Sanford & Juanita Foreman, Steve, Nadine, Jesse & Kyle Foreman, Milton, Cheryl, Tanner & Alyssa Larson, Terry, Stacey, & Nathan Spenst (Nicholas had to work). Anna & Kyle Cooley & Graycie Legleiter, Kayla, Tyler & Harper Trauer, and Scott & Amy Vigness.

Wednesday Christmas guests of Priscilla Jacobs were Neal and Amy Jacobs, Jaden and Jenna Jacobs, Hadley, Hudson and Hesston Jacobs, Wichita; Chad and Crystal Foust, Anton and Kaden, Otis; Tessa and Andy Johnson, Goodland; Sandra Jacobs and Mitchell Jacobs.

Roy and Phyllis Conrad spent Christmas in Wichita with Neil and Rhonda Allen, Ashleigh, Chandler and Lori. After watching the latest on the weather Rhonda said her parents better cut their visit early and get back to McCracken. They had a good Christmas with their kids.

Christmas Day guests of Hoop and Twila Higgins were Doug and Mary Higgins, Danielle Higgins and boys, Jeremy and wife, Rich and Mary Lou Higgins. Wednesday Mike and Nancy Wiebe came for Christmas.

Angela Murray’s name was left off the list of those that decorated St. Mary’s Church. It wasn’t intentional.

Guests of Aaron and Leslie McGaughey, Jackson and Lillian Christmas Day were Diane McFarren, Terran and Tyson Showalter, Rob and Helena McGaughey, Richard Showalter, Leslie’s mom and dad, Chuck and Pat, Leslie’s sisters Reagan, Kelly and daughter, Makenna. Christmas eve they were joined by Terry and Helen Showalte.

Josh and Carly, Jaden and Hunter Collazo spent Christmas in Salina at the home of Josh’s parents.

Les and Rose Diehl hosted the family Christmas Eve. Alicia and Leigh Barrett, Cathy and Ron and family and friend Mary Dunn. Christmas Day —Tim and Maddie and Lily Rues. Tom Rues stayed in New Hampshire, coming this summer. He was missed.

I (Shirley) read with interest an article titled ‘How to Find Anything’. According to the Lost & Found survey released by Pixie, Americans spend $2.7 billion every year replacing the items they can’t find. The survey found that they also spend 2.5 days a year looking for their missing items.

History Notes:

In Ness and Rush Counties 2,340 acres of land sold at an auction with the price being $232 per acre; Helen Herman Elias, 86, died December 14 at the Rush County Hospital. In 1953 she began teaching at MHS until her retirement in 1978; John Rixon bull-dozed the lot where the old McCracken Hotel was torn down; Helen Showalter, 72, died December 18 in Salina; Schaefer Furniture will have an inventory clearance sale the last of December – January 31.


Patricia Petz:

Mom and I left McPherson on Christmas Eve, after making one of Angie's favorite German foods; potato and dumplings.  We got back to La Crosse just in time to pick up Viola Enslinger to take her along to church with us. St. Michael's was packed for the beautiful service and many friends and family members were seen and visited with. We had sandwiches for supper and then we took a tour around the town to see the Christmas lights before we took Viola home.  We all enjoyed the evening,

Since so many people have so many places to go on holidays, it's very hard to try to get to everyone's home.  Both of my children had other places to go, so I spent my Christmas at home preparing for my Christmas with them on Saturday.  However, I thought you might enjoy knowing a little bit about St. Nicholas (270-343).  He was a Christian bishop born in the village of Patara (in modern-day Turkey).  He came from a wealthy family and spent his fortune secretly giving gifts to the needy.  He was especially fond of children and sailors. 
His name is derived from the Dutch name for St. Nicholas, Sinterklaas (an abbreviation of Sint Nikolaas).  Santa Claus is also know as Saint Nicholas, St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Peiznickel, Babbo Nata (Italy), der Weinachtsmann (Germany), Father Christmas (England), and Pere Noel (France).  St. Nicholas has more than 2,000 churches dedicated to him in France and Germany.  I found it interesting that instead of milk and cookies that are left for Santa Claus in North America, in Austria and Britain, beer and sherry are left for him! 

I know that a lot of you followed Angie's story about their family German Shorthair Pointer, Tessa, when she got lost during hunting season.  She had been sick for many weeks after that.  They even took her to the Veterinary Health Center at K-State to see if they could help her. Unfortunately, after being in the hospital for a week, she took a turn for the worse on Friday and everyone decided that it was time to lay her to rest.  This was very difficult for Angie, Trent and the boys.  They will miss this pretty, sweet dog who had been with them for over nine years. 

Although, I saw where many of you had already started taking down your Christmas decorations, Saturday was an awesome day for my family to celebrate Christmas.  It was spent at the farm with Mom, (Mary Steitz), Trent, Angie, Tyler, Drake, and Grant Timson, and Kelly, Melanie, Nathan, Nicholas, Kallynn, and Kameron Petz.  The only one missing was Easton Windholz, my great-grandson.  If everything works out, we will get together next weekend.  Mom, Angie, and I attended mass at St. Mary's Church in Mc Cracken at 5:00.  It is so beautifully decorated and I wanted to be sure to spend some time praying for Dan during this Christmas season. He is  truly missed, but remembered by all of his family and friends. I'm hoping that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you will all have a Happy, Healthy New Year! 

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