The McCracken Bank is no longer a bank, but
it was completed in October 2, 1901...the building is made of
native stone and measures 25 x 50 feet. The builders were Tom
McKenzie and Andy Murphy. R.A. Peterson did the stone work, Frank
Reed and Mr. Sultzer did the carpenter work and Sam Cathwood did
the November of the same year a new brick sidewalk
was put around the building.
Today this beautiful structure has been maintained and the attached
side buildings have been restored by Francis Zeller and his wife
of fifty plus years Julia (Davenport) Zeller. Julia
graduated in 1938 from McCracken High School.
In 2001, McCracken Alumni and friends hosted an art show
and sale in these buildings....this show took place during the
annual McCracken rodeo and alumni celebration always the
second Friday and Saturday in July..
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